Should I tell a training company I’m 16 weeks pregnant? (UK)


New member
The training company is doing this 2 week course, followed by a phone interview with the company and if I pass that, I’ll have to travel to a store that’s not local for six weeks training. I’ve worked it out and by the time the store opens that I’d be working at, I’ll only be there for a month or two before I’d go into labour in December. I also don’t know how healthy I’ll be in late pregnancy so I also can’t plan that far ahead but so far I’m healthy. I’ll also be a single parent and I don’t think I’ll be entitled to maternity pay or leave? I also will have to leave permanently to look after my child as free 15 hours of nursery doesn’t come into effect until my child is two? If I remember correctly. There’s also the concern that the company said in the assessment day that they expect everyone to have no time off and do more hours at Christmas (retail so not surprise). I’m also starting to show so it’s not like I can really hide it. I know that they can’t discriminate because I’m pregnant but I can see from an employers point of view of thinking ‘why would we waste training someone who’s going to p*ss off after a month?’ So want to know your opinion on this, my legal rights if anyone knows and how screwed am I lol.. thanks in advance!
Oh should have added to my question... they also said in the assessment that I have to show letters for proof of my appointments. The letters have maturity written all over them... so basically I have no choice in telling them even if I’m not legally obliged to?

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