SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

@halo235689 My “work outs” are mainly stroller walks, and I occasionally do ~20 min yoga vids while my husband watches baby. When weather is nice hiking with baby in the carrier.
@gladysrivera This is what I was doing but my 18 month old hates being her stroller now. I wish I would’ve taken up hiking when she was younger, though. It sounds great. Maybe eventually we’ll get into it
@halo235689 Both me and my partner train at the same gym. One of us goes first, then the other meets them at the door when they finish and we swap the baby lol. We go in the early evening. I prep dinner beforehand so it’s ready to eat once the second person is home from the gym. It’s a lot of effort but it’s worth it. I’m 28.5kg down from the day I gave birth
@halo235689 I too have a ymca membership. And I get both kids ready in the morning. After dropping the kindergartner off at school I drive over to the y and get in a quick workout and my 3 year old gets to socialize. Win. Win.
@halo235689 I try to do something everyday even if it's 20 mins. Walk the dog, hike in the woods. I also try to do 3 strength sessions a week and yoga. I used to go to the gym, use daycare or wait until partner is home but we bought gym equipment for the house because it was too difficult to juggle.
Strength training with weights, even lighter ones 5-10 pounds is super effective on burning fat and improving health without hours and hours of exercise.
@halo235689 With the kiddos I can usually get in a peloton ride or some dumbbells. I keep some lighter dumbbells handy that the little ones use to get involved too. My wife and I will typically alternate nights on getting a dedicated ~45mins in the home gym while the other helps with homework/plays. When it’s warmer I get in daily stroller walks as well.
@katrina2017 Ahhh I wish we had a home gym. Stroller walks are starting to get difficult for us. She’s only 18 months but already hates being in the stroller longer than 30 minutes
@halo235689 Recommending r/xxfitness as well for routines, if that's a group you identify with. I do the Y, dropping LO off 2-3 times a week. She usually makes it about 45 min before I have to get her. I have equipment at home, but I wish someone had told me it's ok to not want to workout with LO around. Im a fairly experienced weightlifter, and I missed a lot of time I could have been doing something I love if I'd just made use of childcare sooner.
@halo235689 I used to go on stroller walks daily during my son’s first nap and did Pilates or a barre workout while my son played in his room. I don’t do that currently though because I’m pregnant and tired. I just try to walk as much as possible
@halo235689 I usually go first thing (without having a rushed morning), so around 9/9:30. I’ve been using the Strong Like A Mother programming, I love it. It’s aimed at improving/repairing core & pelvic floor function, but even if that’s not something you need it’s still great programming, and easy to follow. You can also follow at @getmomstrong to check out what the workouts are like.
@halo235689 I go to the y and don't want to have to deal with thinking about planning my workout beyond what bra to wear. I frequent bodypump, kickboxing, yoga and cardio dance to feel silly with my BFF. Baby just started napping consistently and at a time that worked with classes I want to take

I wish you luck that your schedule works out too. My mental health vastly improved when I was able to start working out again!