SAHPs, I Keep Messing Up and I'm Embarrassed. I Need to Fix This

@ajewelinhiscrown As a fellow SAHD... the vacation got you off your routine and off your game. It's not like going to work where everyone is invested in getting you back on track, you just have two kids who are way off their routine too. Once they are back on theirs you will be back on yours
@ajewelinhiscrown As far as the schedule that you seem to keep an ongoing mental checklist of….use the calendar in your phone. Make sure you mark it to send a reminder. When our routines are thrown off we often forget things. Mistakes happen, but you’ll be less likely to make the same ones in the future. Still you shouldn’t be doing 90-100% of parenting, this should be a partnership.
@ajewelinhiscrown your wife shouldn't call you an idiot for making a mistake. period. that's just mean.

you're making mistakes bc you're human. i got a white board that sticks to my fridge and some magnetic dry erase markers to help me write things down i need to remember. i also use the notes app and set alerts in my calendar app. but i'm a mess and make mistakes too. you deserve support, not judgement.

having sick kids is ridiculously hard. my 2 have been on antibiotics for 20 days straight now and just remembering to give them the damn things is hard (today is the doctors appt to confirm we are DONE with the antibiotics)!!
@ajewelinhiscrown I'm a SAHD also, and I understand the stress.

Nobody really talks about it being a thing, but dad brain also exists. Shoot if I don't do something in the moment, I'll forget it needs to be done. You're not weak if you have to create lists, reminders on your phone, calendars, whatever it takes.

Also, sometimes things happen. You will find that they are usually made worse in your head. Give yourself some time to calm down, then revisit it from a more realistic mindset.

Finally, your a fucking rockstar!

Speaking of remembering to do things, I gotta schedule my son's doctor's appointment.

Reach out if you need anything.
@ajewelinhiscrown Op please be kind to yourself. It sounds like you've got so much going on and you're only 1 person! Everyone messes up laundry every now and again, or forgets appointments, it totally normal. Just take some deep breaths, it's annoying but it happens
@ajewelinhiscrown If your child started antibiotics two weeks ago or less, it's possible their rash is an allergic reaction to the antibiotic.

I'm sorry you're overwhelmed, I've been there before too. My husband is working insane hours these days, and some things just get lost in the shuffle. It actually sounds like you're doing fine, it's just a chaotic time and that's making it feel like everything is out of your control. Hang in there, you're not failing.
@ajewelinhiscrown I have weeks like this and always apologize, "my brain is mush today" I think you are just overworked/stressed, it happens to the best of us! Even though you just went on vacation, you need to take some "me" time!!!
@ajewelinhiscrown Wash things on cold and dry them on low (sweaters) or medium. Though I can understand you probably wanted to sanitize the puke blanket.

Set alarms on your phone for activity dropoff/pickup times. Seriously, if it's not on my phone I'm not going to remember it in time.
@ajewelinhiscrown Brother, there’s no one that can do your job better than you. You’re doing fine, and the mistakes made are indicative of stress and exhaustion, not inability.

Try to find a way to relax and regain balance. Carve out some time for yourself, however you can. Remember that your kids are safe and loved - you’re doing great.
@ajewelinhiscrown First of all, take a deep breath. Its just a blanket, it's just a sweater. Everyone is alive and while they may be ill, they'll be ok.

Now for the advice, read labels on stuff if you've not washed it yet. AND GET A CALENDAR. We have an erasable monthly one by the front door. No one has any excuse if it's on the calendar, myself included. Get yourself a daily one too and make sure you LOOK AT IT lol

You're doing a great job. It's not easy. If it was, everyone would want to do it. Just remember 'these are the good ol days'.
@ajewelinhiscrown Visual calendar on the wall, Google calendar reminders has helped me immensely. But even with those I’ve messed up and forgotten about lessons or whatever. It happens! It’s okay! But I would maybe ask my partner for help if I was struggling. It’s okay to ask for help even tho you’re the stay at home parent.