SAHPs, what do you do when random people are causing a problem for you?

@ajewelinhiscrown I don’t think you need to give these people a second thought. They are obviously rude and lack empathy. I probably would’ve just ignored them and let them wait on me and my kids. But you did nothing wrong. My 1.5 year old hates the car seat and loves to scream in it. It’s so stressful. You did okay. You’re a good parent!
@ajewelinhiscrown Haha! Anytime someone resorts to a sarcastic "gOoD pArEnTiNg" you know you've won the exchange. They're trying to hit you where it hurts because they feel stupid. You weren't wrong, she was being entitled.

Good on you for gently confronting her. Ironically, you WERE being a good parent and setting a good example for the kids.
@ajewelinhiscrown I would probably just pat myself on the back for being assertive and never give them a second thought but echo what @arrows said, venting on the internet does help because not giving an ahole a second thought is much easier said than done and come to think of it, I never do that haha
@ajewelinhiscrown They're boomers. Just brush that shit off, they're the most selfish, entitled generation and their rude behavior doesn't deserve another second of your time. No need to be rude or prove it to them that you're right. Just let it go and walk away.
@ajewelinhiscrown Good parenting, honestly.

You handled that stressful shit like a pro, I'm sorry you had this additional cluster#*@+ of petulance to deal with from elderly adults in addition to your children (you know, little humans who we expect to behave this way.)

After 60+ years on the planet, you'd expect more from people. Just be glad you're not raising future asshats like Bob & Carolyn the entitled retirees.