SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?


New member
We recently got a family membership to the local YMCA and childcare is from 8 to 11 am and 5-7 pm.

I guess I’m wondering what kind of workout routines are being done? I’ve also already checked out r/fitness for beginner tips but I’d like insight from y’all
@halo235689 When mine were babies/toddlers I took them from 9-11. I figured out a leg weight routine with the standing weight machines (I had never worked out before) and then I walked on the treadmill for 30-40 minutes. Then I showered (ALONE) and picked them up. Over time I went from walking to jogging and figured out arm and core exercises. I ended up trying different classes too. Going regularly meant I also met a few people to say hello to and small chat with which was a huge help because I felt so isolated as a sahm with young kids.
@chiyolate Right??!!! You don’t necessarily need a sports bra to do it, just roll out of bed and do it with your PJs if you want. I actually do wear workout clothes but in the beginning I needed something that didn’t require weights or extra gear. Also, I love that she does it barefoot. Also, she’s got great energy that keeps me motivated. It helps that she’s a mama too
@halo235689 I just joined a Y too. Since you asked for beginner tips, I'd recommend finding a class you like and trying to attend regularly. Better routine for your kiddo, and you'll have an instructor with you to help you learn! But things like walking/running laps or using the bikes is pretty simple and doesn't require learning a ton of new equipment.

I'm totally with you - I can't get up hours early, and by the time the kids are in bed I'm exhausted.
@halo235689 I had a personal trainer earlier last year and it ended up just being so expensive. It was also a pain to have to keep the appointment sometimes because kids can be unpredictable.

I ended up finding an online trainer and she’s been AMAZING. Everything’s done through an app where you get your workout for the day and each exercise has a description and video of her doing it. I can send her messages or videos of me doing the exercise if I’m unsure of my form but other than that we just do weekly checkins.

One month of this costs me less than a week of workouts with my old personal trainer and I feel like I’m getting better results too. I’d highly highly recommend something similar if you’re wanting to get into weights and have no idea where to start !
@datboi It’s just a generic app that any trainer can use for clients I think, it’s called “Fitness App” on my phone but it personalized with her colours and logo

I’ll pm you the trainers insta and website and you can check her out if you want. She’s soo positive and responsive and has really guided me into a world where I love working out (which I never thought would happen ever lol)
@ironlak21 That sounds amazing!! It’s so hard to find time to work out. My husband is gone half the month and it’s hard to do everything solo. Thank you so much!!!!
@halo235689 I go to my local Y and take my 3yo. She loves seeming the same caretakers in there every time we go (2-3x a week). I LOVE the body pump classes. It’s strength training/weight lifting with high reps to good music. If you try out one of the classes, go light the first few times. You will be sore! If you want to get an idea, look up body pump on YouTube.
@halo235689 Well I work 25 ish hours a week but otherwise am a SAHM and I workout almost daily. Running with stroller, daily hikes with baby-now-toddler in backpack, yoga “together,” I baby proofed my gym and can sometimes get a decent lift in. And then of course if I somehow have energy after bedtime I will do something if I haven’t that day.

It’s rarely perfect, I am almost ALWAYS with my kid, but being physically active is non-negotiable for me.
@halo235689 I was very very active before pregnancy and during and even though I’m not nearly in the same “shape” I am just as strong and my cardio health is mostly as good. It saves my sanity. I can’t get up before my kid or truly stay up much later than her so I prioritize my daytime hours and sleep. Being outside is especially important to me even in the GD freezing winter.

I’m certainly not watching TV or scrolling past 9:30 pm on any given night 😂. We all sacrifice some aspect of our “free” time heh.

You can do it!!!
@halo235689 It's hard when you lack discipline. Find a program and stick to it. Growwithjo on YouTube is a great way to start, stop with the excuses and show up for yourself! You'll never look back!
@halo235689 Cross country running on local trails with my dogs, rowing on the hydrow in my basement, swimming laps at the JCC. I wake up at 4am and I go to bed at 10pm. Kids wake up at 7am and go to bed at 8pm. The only time I have to myself is when they’re asleep.
@halo235689 Of course I don’t get enough rest. I have a 4 year old and an 8 year old. If you get in the routine though it’s nice because by the time the kids are up you’ve already had a chance to wake up, have some coffee, get stuff done and be ready for their demands.