refuses to use Parent app

@stefana What do you mean be a good person lol? You sound like my ex. For the record, I don't argue, I ignore. The ignoring is exhausting. And for the record, I also can say I did and I am doing my best, but continue to judge if you see fit.
@fizzywig Just a thought you don’t HAVE to deal with it for the next 6 years…if you’re in the US each state has an age a child is allowed to decide whom they want to live with and if they want to be around either parent look up what that age is because if he’s talking to you that way I’m sure he’s 1. Talking about you that way in front of your child. 2. Talking that way to your child. Also if your child wants to still be around him you only gotta deal with it for for 3/4 more years once the kids old enough to drive get ‘em a car and tell ‘em to have at it. Also get them a phone when they’re a teenager so maybe if dad is nice to them then he might text teenager to coordinate get together.
@ybounasre Without a court ordered app, this advice can have negative consequences.

My ex tried to do that. Added it to the list why he lost placement time.
@fizzywig my attorney advised not to block his number, just silence and hide the notifications from him. That way, you'll have a record of the crazy messages he sends outside of the app/court order but not have to see them all the time.