Really p****d off


New member
Thanks Covid-19. I'm not allowed into my wife's first scan for our first baby. She's not even allowed to WhatsApp video me.
So I'm just sitting in the car waiting.

But they're giving us pictures for free, which is something I guess.

Edit: I've just been told that I'm also unable to go to the next scan, too.
I'm absolutely heartbroken.
@qu30 Yeah, I feel your pain. We legit had our 20 week scan on the last day they were allowing fathers into the ultrasound room. I felt incredibly lucky, but also incredibly sad for all dads coming after me who wouldn't get to experience that. I'm so sorry man.
@qu30 That sucks.

Did they say why they wouldn't let you video chat with her? I think that's stupid they won't let her, especially if she is the one doing it.
@billiejo Well, I was venting to my boss. He says it's standard practice, protection of nurses' employment rights and stuff like that.
I'd have thought that the nurse might have let it slide... Given the circumstances. Just to get the partner involved
@qu30 Sorry to hear that. I was at the first scan but I wont be able to go to any more. I hope you will be allowed in for the birth. In some places that is limited to just the doctors and nurses.
@jomo17555 It's my absolute fear. But that isn't until late October, so hopefully it'll all be good by then.
I hope it relaxes by the time you get in there, too. Best of luck to you
@qu30 Thanks. We are due in July. They said that I can go in to delivery but my gf's mom won't be able to go in...we were counting on her because she is a nurse. And I'll need to be prepared to stay in with them the whole time.

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