Really hard day

@brendini All the NICU nurses keep saying that and I just keep hoping it happens soon. But I have to temper my hope. It’s a process. Learning everyday to not get too high or too low. Just spending as much time as I can with him
@west07 It’s a constant rollercoaster. My baby was born at 30 weeks with severe IUGR, went to room air at 32.5 weeks and then had to go back on oxygen. We’re doing a room air trial today, the day before she hits 34 weeks. I have to remind myself that it’s not linear, it might feel like a step back but it’s just part of the journey.
@west07 Stay Positive NICUs can be crazy with all the beeping and poking and prodding. Stay strong for your baby and be thankful for the equipment that helps your bundle of joy heal. We were in the NICU for 5 weeks with a full term baby and it helped that the baby wont remember this time only us.
@mmair959 I know I hear these alarms in my sleep it feels like. I’m so glad to have my husband who is so supportive and is such an ally in this rough time. So glad to have the medical technology to make it and have both me and my son survive. My blood pressure was so high and while I’m devastated that he had to come so early, glad that we both made it.
@west07 I had my little girl at 34+6 due to pre-e & HELLP syndrome. We spent 28 days in the NICU and I totally feel you. It’s such a hard and emotional rollercoaster. Sometimes I felt no one could say the right thing either, it’s just exhausting. Thinking of you.
@lifewarrior Yeah it’s just so hard. Was trying to nurse today and my LO was just sleepy so had to go through the tube. The nurse was being nice but said, “just remember it’s not you. You’re doing everything right” and I just cried. Days are rough

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