Pregnant belly?

@celluloid I’m 5’8 and started my pregnancy at 273lbs, and am an 18. I started thyroid meds in my first trimester and lost 5 lbs. I’ve since gained that back and seem to be hovering right around 280.

I popped around 26ish weeks. A friend of mine who had a similar pregnancy said that’s right around when she popped and could pull off maternity clothes without feeling silly. That’s also when co-workers started to really notice too—especially if I was in maternity clothing. I have been able to largely wear my pre-pregnancy clothes the whole way through which has been a happy surprise.

As my mother in law said at my shower this weekend “you look pregnant!” (to which I said, “thanks, I think?” Lol). Anyway, I am 33 weeks.
@celluloid I’m 5’6 started at 275/size 20, and at 30 weeks with my second baby, people still don’t know I’m pregnant despite me wearing nothing but clothes that cinch between the belly and the boobs and rubbing my belly all the time.

Only one person in seven months has recognized that I was pregnant and it’s only because they have several children with someone physically similar to me. I literally had someone say “wow I had no idea” to me yesterday. At 7 months. Today I had someone ask me to scoot in my desk chair so they could sneak behind where I was seated and I had to tell them I was already as squished as possible.

It’s incredibly frustrating and I have no advice for you. I didn’t want maternity photos with my first or my second, since I feel like shit all the time and don’t want this memorialized.

Hopefully you “pop” like some of these other comments did. But even if you don’t ever get an obvious baby belly, it’s still completely normal! And even if it’s only obvious to you and not to anyone else, that’s okay too! Your maternity shoot is for you, not other people!
@celluloid I’ve always had a pretty flat stomach and ended up not looking pregnant til 36 weeks! Turned out I had a tiny baby, 5th percentile. I’m still a bit sad I never got huge haha but it’s all good! I’ve made my peace with it. Luckily for second babies you show earlier so I’m assuming I’ll luck out and get a giant belly this time around.
@celluloid I’m in the same boat! I’m 5ft 3 and around 114 but I have a very noticeable apron belly which I hate! This is my 2nd baby and I don’t feel like I will get a bump! I’m 12 weeks now and still not noticing any changes.