Postpartum with number two has hit different


New member
I'm returning from parental leave with my second and reflecting on how different postpartum has felt this time.

With #1, I was clearly grieving my past life and way more anxious and frustrated with my baby for every single crying episode. I beat myself up about my struggles with breastfeeding and pumping. Returning to work was hard but also a way to get back to a piece of myself and I embraced the juggle.

This time around, I've managed to be much more forgiving to my baby and holy shit am I extremely upset about all the ways everything is set up to work against us. I'm upset at all the grandparents, who have not been helpful and instead have demanded we snap to whatever plans they set, even if they are not considerate of children. Mad at all the social services that still haven't recovered and the few that do exist are so expensive they don't feel accessible. Mad at my MiL for scoffing at the notion that we are trying to balance two working parents and parenthood (despite knowing I'm both the breadwinner and one income would be hard for us to live on). Mad that at 10mo pp, I'm still hounding specialists to fix a few ongoing medical issues that haven't settled post baby and appointments take 3+mo wait after a referral. Mad at my husband for not understanding all the things that add to my stress, even when he tries to understand. Mad that I'm returning to work in a layoff-happy industry at the moment where the morale is shot and it's not an escape, but a further emotional energy suck. Mad that I saved and then spent a portion of my leave time with my kids in childcare to dig out our house from the past almost year of just trying to survive so that we can survive another year or so.

I have a fair amount of privileges, so as much as this is a woe is me, it's a general frustration with the expectation and support for Moms. I constantly want to scream and cry and yet I'm too tired to do either. I have very little incentive to fit back into the needs of everyone else and fewer fucks to give.

The hardest part is that lack of support has lead to lack of direction or desire. I'm sure sleep and overwhelm contributes to the low motivation as well, but I wish I was returning to something exciting at work that made the juggle worth it. Instead I feel like it's just another reminder that nothing is built for 2 working parents.
@brojoe67 I’m sorry. It really does suck that our society have evolved to a point where two incomes are needed to survive, all while not being set up for two working parents.
@brojoe67 I feel this... I'm due with baby #2 this coming July and although I'm so excited my work increased the maternity benefit, it's still not even bare minimum for many other countries. And I'm already looking for pelvic floor PT since that was a big issue for me last time and I hate that we either pull from savings or we cut out some costs from our monthly budget. WHY isn't pelvic floor PT covered!?

And every time I look at childcare, I cry. Definitely reassessing our budget. But it's so sad. We make good money, why does having a family have to be a burden!?
@comyn I think US fosters this ideology that we have to be independent. However if we look from pastimes, children are raised by many people. We need a lot of help. I just don't understand why US is not so accommodating to moms and their children. After all, the children will eventually grow up and well, be "social security."
@comyn At 6 weeks I mentioned my concerns to my OB, was told it needs time to heal. By 12 weeks I knew things weren't right and needed professional help. I called multiple Pelvic floor PT offices to be told there was a 6 month wait. Finally got an appointment for 6 weeks later at one location. A week before my first appointment they told me that despite my deductible being met (thanks labor and delivery) it would be a 250 dollar copay. Every visit! Luckily we could afford that with the HSA but omg!

So next time I'm scheduling pelvic floor PT while I'm pregnant. Both to have some appointments before if possible and some within a few months after.
@brojoe67 Solidarity ✊ I've found it interesting how people trip over themselves trying to help new parents prepare for baby #1 (which is of course appreciated) but totally disappear when #2 is born. That's when you need so much more help and support, even if you already have the bouncer and the changing table. I hope things get better for you soon!
@wisp For real! Minor example but we probably had about 5-6 friends bring us dinner after baby #1. Then one friend did after baby #2. Don't get me wrong I am very grateful for all of it and by no means am entitled to free food after having a baby. It's just so funny it worked out that way when we were by FAR busier after #2 especially since we are also 2under2
@michaeldt I've tried to make just as much effort for those parents having another baby before I was pregnant. Definitely plan to do it more now. Although the first 6 weeks were "easier" in some ways than 6 months in, or maybe that's just my mind forgetting from the lack of sleep!
@wisp So true and this was 100% experience- even my 1x day per a week nanny stopped coming and basically took my may leave off. She thought I didn’t need her and I needed her more than she’d ever know.

No one wanted to help when I had my 2nd and I needed it.
@brojoe67 This is America:

The second after you get married “When are you two going to have a baby?!?!”

After having baby:

“It’s not my responsibility to help, YOU decided to have a baby”

…basically, society expects us to have kids and then shames us when we do and want/need help
@brojoe67 I feel this so much. Things really changed for me after my second almost exactly as you describe. She was born right before covid too, and I was lucky to have time to reassess what I really wanted going forward. I quit my full time job and went freelance. It’s not perfect, and I’m lucky to be able to do it, but I’m much happier now that I shifted the balance. I just couldn’t make myself care about things I no longer cared about. And I didn’t feel bad about it anymore either. We definitely aren’t the problem. It’s absolutely the system
@brojoe67 Yes, this modern world is not meant for mothers. It's so hard! Society is so harsh on moms. After having my 2nd baby life has been pretty rough. Everything is so much money, I had to use my savings for some unexpected crap right after birth so I started working just 2 weeks after giving birth and it was depressing. I started back just 2 days a week to bring some money in but I was still bleeding! You're not alone! I can barely juggle working part time, I'm really struggling but trying to keep going 😩
@buildingapologetics Yea it sucked. I felt fine but was sad leaving the baby, even just for a few hours. I had a money saved but had some unfortunate stuff happen that had to get fixed so I had to use it all. My job didn't offer paid maternity leave either. I think it should be mandatory no matter the job, even for a month or 2 would be a start!