please tell me your experiences w/ c vacc & breastfeeding


New member
how you reacted, any symptoms from baby, any lasting effects, any medical troubles or trips to doctor for you OR baby… specifically, any symptoms or ANYTHING w/ baby????
@riyanjason Search the sub and you’ll find loads of posts and comments about this topic.

I got the Pfizer vaccine vaccine in April/May when my baby was 6 months old. I had a sore arm for about a day, no other symptoms and absolutely no issues with supply. Definitely no symptoms in my baby! I’m thrilled that he likely has antibodies from breastfeeding. If it’s available to you, get the vaccine for sure.
@riyanjason I got vaccinated when my baby was 6 months. I had aches the night of the second shot, and I wish I’d taken ibuprofen a soon as I felt achey. My milk supply was good through out, and my baby was happy and healthy. I’m so glad she can have my antibodies, and that I’m less likely to get COVID and expose her.

On the other hand, a dear friend of mine didn’t get vaccinated because she was breastfeeding. She got COVID, had to be on and off oxygen, and her milk supply tanked. They had to stop breastfeeding for a while because she was so sick. They’re back to breastfeeding, but less than before. It was so hard for her and her family. Her baby is fine now, but it was hard to not have her mom as much as she wanted. And my friend still gets tired and has issues with taste and smell.
@ephai omg yes it would be so awful to be sick & not be allowed around your baby, i can only imagine how hard that was for her daughter and how confused she probably was… thank you so much for sharing!!
@riyanjason She was at home, so she was around her baby. She was just so sick, she had to be on oxygen a lot and went to the hospital a few times. So just didn’t have the energy, strength, or milk to care for her baby for over a week.

Her husband had gotten one shot and her teenage daughter had gotten both. The husband got a little sick and the daughter was fine, so they were able to care for her. I did their shopping for two weeks. They’re all mostly healthy now. I just hope other moms get vaccinated so they don’t have to go through that.
@riyanjason Literally nothing.

Both doses I had a sore arm for a few days. Like yeah it hurt but beyond that it was a complete non-event. Zero reaction whatsoever from my baby.
@secretagentzach thank you so much for sharing!! i want to go confidently into the room to get it but the fact is that when someone, ANYONE, is screeching in your ear that something harms or may kill your baby- you are going to be skeptical. thank you for your compassion… reading each of these helped me feel better!
@riyanjason Both doses of Pfizer while pregnant. I am currently breastfeeding and just got the booster several weeks ago. I felt achy and my arm was sore but nothing happened with my supply or my baby. He was happy as can be.
@riyanjason 1st dose when baby was 2 months old. No issues with milk supply. Only had ache at site of injection for less than 48 hours.

2nd dose when baby was 3 months old. Again milk supply not affected. Again ache at site of injection for less than 48 hrs. I had low fever for about 6 hrs, 12 hrs after injection.

Both times no changes saw no changes to baby's feeding.
@riyanjason Got first dose laying in the postpartum wing, Pfizer. Having just had a C-section I would have notice vaccine side effects of they slapped me in the face. Super smooth sailing with breatfeeding, I even have an oversupply and have become a milk donor. Got 2nd shot when baby was 3 weeks old. Had a light headcold the next day. Nothing else. No effect on baby or supply.