Pediatrician said baby sleep is abnormal

@nserchoftruth You have answered your own question, you want and like him there and for you and him this is working. End of!
I have a few doctor friends and I'm not saying they are stupid by any stretch but not all doctors are geniuses and all of them have their own views about things as well as quite often regurgitating the "right" answer because it is easy to do so and/or they don't want to do the extra research to go against it.

Your doctor may be educated but they are not living your life and they are not your babies mother.

Your instincts are worth more than that. Keep doing what you are doing x
@nserchoftruth I don't have much advice on night weaning or anything like that, but I don't think it's abnormal for your little one to wake up that much. Mine sure did! If you're not comfortable sleep training and you're fine with keeping the current status quo then don't worry about changing anything. Baby's are weird and sleep weird and it changes quickly. Sounds like you're already doing something that, at least mostly, works for you and your family.
@nserchoftruth Pediatritians don't understand anything about infant sleep. This is something I've learned throughout the months. If you, and only you, are worried about your baby's sleep patterns, look for help in other professionals. Very few pediatritians nowadays recommend anything but CIO. That's the norm unfortunately, and it's not even scientific.

I wouldn't say you need to switch pediatritians if you're comfortable otherwise, just don't listen to what they tell you regarding that matter.

But if you have the means, why not change to someone who takes care of your baby in every aspect, not only biologically, but also psychologically, emotionally? They are hard to find but they are there!
@newme20 I will definitely see what options are in our area! I appreciate it. I was so disappointed with her recommendation and left so confused and heartbroken. I’m glad I didn’t just leave that there and listen to her!
@nserchoftruth My girl is nearly two and still hasn’t slept through the night and still wakes for a bottle. It is completely normal for them to wake multiple times. The paediatrician shouldn’t be saying that, cause you’re thinking you’re doing something wrong.. which you absolutely are not!
Honestly, do what feels right for you. I love co sleeping, it’s so cozy and just feels right.
There’s a page on fb called the beyond sleep project I would recommend checking out. It’s basically everyone sharing the same experienced as you, and it’s not for CIO. It’s nice to read how everyone else is in the same boat and that you’re not doing anything wrong!
enjoy the snugs
Just wanted to add also.. haha.. that I spent the first 6 months thinking I was doing it all wrong because she should have slept through the night and all day I stressed about nap times and making sure I did it all ‘right’ but then I realised it’s just what they do, she wakes, and she needs me through the night. Once I accepted that things became so much more enjoyable and I stopped stressing over it
@nserchoftruth Fwiw my pediatrician has never asked me this level of detail or really anything about how my baby is sleeping. He is 11 months, nurses through the night, and his daytime naps vary! He is healthy and happy.
@nserchoftruth Don’t just get a new pediatrician, let their practice know why and complain to the professional boards.

Imagine going to a doctor for a physical and your doctor told you unsolicited and without any medical need that you should start intermittent fasting 16 hours a day and stop sleeping with your partner for no reason, just because you can. Bizarre and unprofessional.
@nserchoftruth Another important thing to remember about night weaning - if you take away that coping skill for a baby that young, you’ll have to replace it with something else because they can’t self regulate. So it could end up that you’re having to spend more time rocking bb back to sleep without having boob as an option. And if you’re not with them at all during the day it could lead to full weaning, which again will deprive you of an important form of connection and co-regulation while babe has very few other resources in their own nervous system. If at all feasible to wait, I would delay it. Also echo everyone else that your pediatrician is not well informed about the long term effects of CIO on baby’s nervous system.