Pediatrician’s perspective on pumped breast milk

@sophiahrz We are exclusively breastfeeding at 10 months and baby has still been sick nonstop from daycare so it's not like my breastfeeding is preventing the illnesses. I actually started pumping a week or so ago because I'm so tired of having her wiggle off me and basically feeding her nonstop while she grazes. Planning to supplement with formula within the month as needed and then whole milk. TBH, I wish I started pumping/formula earlier. Trying to exclusively breastfeed her is a lot when she's so distractable. I get there are benefits but why not put that same energy into giving her nutritious solids and building healthy eating habits for life?
@sophiahrz This is a very personal decision so only you can decide when to stop. I’m going to give you my anecdotes and reasons.

I’ve exclusively pumped now twice (still am). I do have a low supply due to IGT.

With my first I never intended to but he had hypotonia of his jaw and cheek muscles and I started pumping thinking we’d be able to nurse but he never could. Anecdotally, I did notice that when the whole house would get sick his symptoms (if any) were mild. This was also during the formula shortage so I pumped to avoid that mess as much as possible.

This second time my twins initially nursed like champs. But my daughter has had medical issues and being away from her brother so much he just gave up nursing and she followed suit a month later so I just kept pumping. Why? One cost. My daughter needs a special formula and it’s insanely expensive. I’m saving money by eating a special diet and pumping (I actually did the math). While formula is much more readily available now I still have seen shortages and had some difficulty. Even recently, my daughter’s specialized formula which I sometimes need to supplement was nowhere to be found on the shelves and a friend shipped me some she found in a store on the coast. I have also notice they don’t seem to get as sick when we have viruses running through the house but that is anecdotal.

I think this is a really personal decision. If you can afford the formula and don’t like pumping then by all means stop. But if you want to continue giving breastmilk or it’s saving you money that you need then continue. It’s really your decision.

Something else I don’t know I saw mentioned is that formula is very bland. Breastmilk typically is a little more “flavorful” based on what you eat which my pediatrician said can help when starting solids but I don’t know if that had any evidence based to it because I never bothered to look.
@sophiahrz Apparently the longer you breastfeed (cumulatively across children) the larger the protective effect for you against breast cancer. In absolute terms it can be quite high (20-30%) especially if breast cancer runs in your family.
@sophiahrz It’s such a hard decision and so personal. You’ve got to do what works for you. Could get a second opinion from another Ped?

About the being sick thing, my understanding is that your body gets ‘backwash’ spit through your nipple and adapts to their needs based on the sickness. I can’t understand how BM generally would help, other than possibly being easier on the tummy.
@robbentley Do you have any sources for the backwash theory? I see it a lot on Reddit but haven’t come across any evidence for it. I never ask on other subs but on this one I feel it’s worth poking for it
@wiloftcnc There's no evidence for it or any possible mechanism by which it would work. What is actually happening is breastfeeding moms and babies already share germs back and forth constantly because they are breathing on each other, kissing each other, touching each other etc, just like all parents and babies do. This is also why there is no evidence for the backwash theory, how would you ever test for it in a controlled way without coming up with some unethical study where you isolated moms from their babies and didn't let them be around each other.
@wiloftcnc As far as I know. It’s just a theory. And it’s more likely that the antibodies are produced based on proximity to LO as opposed to some supernatural power of the nipple and spit.

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