On a first-name basis with 2-yo

@stop_cern_idea That doesn't really go away with age, either. When our son was seven or so, he decided to call us "mum" and "dad". We don't speak English, he just thought that would be cooler than anything in our native language.
@stop_cern_idea We taught my 2yo our names right when he turned two. He named his doll my name (“baby Cici”) but otherwise generally doesn’t use our first names unless we ask him, but he absolutely knows them.

The other day I asked my 2yo “are you okay, Love?” And he said “I’m not Love! Daddy is Love…” and looked at me like I was crazy. Guess he’s noticed our pet name!
@rudy2008 That's so cute! I have a 3yo and a 2yo. When I call my 3yo 'baby', he'll say, "No! Call me 'my love.' 2yo is 'baby'." They can be pretty opinionated about pet names!
@stop_cern_idea My four year old has resisted any suggestion that we have names beyond “Mama” and “Daddy” even when we insist. He also got upset when grandma said her name was something other than “Grandma” and corrected her 🤣
@stop_cern_idea If we ask our son what our names are, he'll say them, but not unprompted yet. However my husband's name is Jean-Philippe, so when we ask what's Papa's name he says "Jelip!". Close enough, his name is too long anyway.
@stop_cern_idea You know it's interesting because a lot of the comments say it's disrespectful and... I guess I understand that. But I have had the thought once that it's kinda weird that we would be one of very few closest people to them and hide behind some facade... it's kinda weird that we should give them only a code name, that we've never gone by to anyone else ever, and a name that roughly 50% of all other parents go by at that... Like it's kinda alienating and distancing! I almost crave her knowing my name as a personal closeness/intimacy/affection.

Like I wouldn't insist any of my family call me by some title like Professor or something. Why should I insist on this for my little one?
@stop_cern_idea My 3 year old recently started referring to me by my first name, but daddy is still Daddy. Our 5 year old was making cards for us this weekend but addressed to our first names too.