OAD because sleep!


New member
Just when I thought my 3 year old was beginning to get much easier (I mean, he is during daylight hours), we just had our worst nights sleep for a while. He is low sleep needs, naps only at daycare, and sleeps better on no nap days but last night he woke 3 times, ended up in our bed, kicked around continuously and I am utterly exhausted at work today. Plus he will probably have a 2 hour nap at daycare today (although I ask them to cap at an hour) and be up til 11pm tonight. He would sleep only on top of a beating heart for the first 6 months of his life, wake up 5 times or more until 18 months when we got it down to about 3-4 times, and still wakes at least once now. He has slept 7.30-5am less than 10 times his whole life. His dad and I are so tired. We were OAD before we had him but I think the shitshow of sleep is my biggest reason for not wanting another. Anyone else OAD for lack of sleep? Any parents of older kids who had this and can tell me they get better?! I need a hug and a nap!
@savannahcbc Oh I feel you! Mine woke at 3am furious for reasons he couldn’t articulate, then could not decide which bed to go back to sleep in after spending 30 mins on the toilet 😩
@stripe I was legitimately wondering earlier today if anyone else was OAD for this reason! I am a high sleep needs person. I always knew parenting was tiring… but this is another level. I need 9 hours to function well. That math doesn’t work with kids. More than one would kill me.
@romanianpentecostal I always knew I needed a lot of sleep but just assumed I'd be able to deal with it. I thought having a baby meant I'd be tired all the time.... I didn't know it would mean I'd be unable to control my emotions and feel depressed. When I get enough sleep I feel like a totally different person.
@calebm i have severe anxiety and depression because of my kid’s habits. i’m getting too much sleep but none of it is restful or restorative because he comes in with me and fusses. last night he was in some fugue state of being at 11pm wakeup and wouldnt go back down. and he insists on cuddling with me at night too.
@calebm I can handle the rest of life, work, parenting, keeping the house together IF I’ve slept. If I haven’t, I am depressed and in continual existential crises. In therapy for the first time in my life since k became a mum.
@romanianpentecostal Omg 9 hours is the dream right? That is what my body wants/needs. I am lucky if I am in bed for 8 these days and I am most certainly not sleeping for all of those 8 hours! Sleep is legit a huge OAD reason x
@stripe 🖐️ me!! I love my son, but I'm a better mom when I'm rested. He loves sleeping in bed with us, but needs to always be on top of you. It's adorable, but terrible for sleep 😆
@stripe Fuck yes. Sleep deprivation and anxiety related insomnia I developed because of a kid that wakes up 5-10 times on average every night left me utterly unhappy, miserable, depressed. I am sure that if I only had a child that slept better then definitely I would have been a good mom. Now I am a frustrated monster, unable to rest like ever, wanting all of this to end and the kid to be 15 years old already. Can't wait. I don't wanna fear the night ever again.
@katrina2017 Omg I feel this. In the newborn stage My body got so screwed up when when my baby did start sleeping longer stretches my body would wake me up every 2 hours. I would Toss and turn. It took forever for my body to be able to sleep longer than 2 hours, then 4 hours, 6 etc. Even now I rarely sleep longer than 7 hours in a row Even tho usually 8 is what I need to help me get through rhe day.

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