No Screens Possible for Short Flight with 13 month old?

@lostinthepast We don’t use screens unless we’re calling grandparents/family, or showing him videos of himself and us and what we’ve just done to talk him through things.

I just got off a plane with my 14 month old for a two hour flight. We’ve never used screens to distract him on a flight and in his life he’s been on 21 legs so far…! We do bring a few pop-its bc he LOVES to push them in carefully and we get about 5 silent minutes, we bring things like crayons now (which he first lived to put in the box, but now is wanting to draw on everything… so will have to rethink this) and he is obsessed with the safety instruction booklets. Often the best thing for him is his favorite snacks - blueberries, Bambas, yogurt snacks! And of course, crawling down the aisle saying hi to everyone. We’ve been on 6 hour flights and between naps and entertaining him ourselves, we haven’t needed to use screens!
@lostinthepast Doable! Just have enough toys on board with you. I did it for a 3.5 hour flight and depending on your time of flight, your LO might even sleep the whole time haha
@lostinthepast I hit up the thrift store before flights and pick up a nice collection of lightweight books. I choose quantity over quality and break them out individually on the flight and in the airport. Any duds get left at the destination.
@lostinthepast My kid is 20 months old, and we've been doing semi regular 6-hour car rides with him since around 3 months. We do screen time, but there's also a lot of non screen time, too. Sensory bags (that they can't open!) are fun and you can do several different textures in different bags. If it's something messy, you can do a sandwich bag instead of a bigger bag. Playdough, rice, slime, etc.
Pop up books are a blast. My kid will giggle and giggle at them. Texture books are great too.
Toy cars are always fun too. One of his favorite things is when we drive it around his seat and all over him.

Good luck!! Hopefully it's a smooth flight!
@lostinthepast My entire family was wasting away with Covid when my son was that age and I figured that was as good a time as any to introduce him to a screen. I was disappointed (for those couple of days lol) to find out that he was not at all interested.