@pecosheero I'll write from my experience, and some other ideas I have and plan to try out for my 5 y.o. this summer, too.
*the "I'm bored" jar - we created this together, put lots of independent activities on popsicle sticks and she pulls them out if she is bored.
*Switching up the type of screen time if that is the stuck point - my mini actually does a lot of learning through her tablet apps, which I curate most of so that it's a mixture of fun and educational. Or, finding shows that feel more engaged. YouTube has a lot of dance classes, yoga, or other things like that for kids.
*Chores or similar to "earn more" screen time, or having a morning checklist to do before any screen time.
*Tonie Box or similar for songs and stories without a screen. You can get the creative ones and program with your own playlist. This is a huge hit at our house.
*The Imagination/Maker Box - I keep a bin of random doodads (ex: paper towel rolls, shower curtain rings, empty mint container, etc) that are interesting and my kiddo knows she can create something out of them whenever she wants. She also has access to age appropriate craft items, so the imagination is free to run wild.
*Brainstorm a list of "for one day only" things that are typically not allowed but you are willing to permit for a day to promote novelty and exploration. Examples that have been a hit at my home: allowed to use chalk on the wooden fence or brick wall, allowed to take an EPIC bath with no time limit (themes are fun!), allowed to use a whole roll of tape for a project, allowed to sticker one specific area/wall (think inside a closet).
You are doing a GOOD job. You care enough about this to come and ask strangers for advice and insights. Parenting is hard, societal expectations are high, and it sounds like you have some extra special challenges handed to you. You do what works best for you and your family, and I hope you take from these responses only what supports and inspires you.