Next level rudeness

@stevenglo Not to excuse her behavior at all, and not to be misconstrued as being prejudice, but was she of Asian background? I only ask because my nail technician does the same thing to me. I’ve been going to her religiously for 7 years so I’m comfortable with her and eventually asked her why she was so persistent about it. She and a couple of the other women there basically suggested to me that it’s a cultural thing because of the intense focus on family in their culture. It made a little more sense to me and helped me be less annoyed with her. She still hasn’t stopped pestering me by the way lol
@bobbiessusu That makes sense. Yes, she was Asian. I actually lived in Asia and while I understand the emphasis placed on family, I still think that no matter your cultural background, you shouldn’t press a topic once it’s clear the person you’re speaking to is uncomfortable or distressed. But you do make a good point, and I probably do need to take a step back for a bit more perspective. Thank you for bringing that up!
@stevenglo Oh for sure she was completely out of line and annoying as hell but sometimes it just helps to have some perspective of the situation for your own sake. I find when I understand why people are the way they are I’m generally less annoyed by them lol
@bobbiessusu I honestly don’t think that’s a good excuse. I come from a similar culture and young women from these cultures are scrutinized with these questions on a day to day basis and live through hell. It is okay to push back and realize that this is not okay. Women’s reproductive rights are not up for scrutiny no matter what culture you come from!
@paul2017 It’s not a good excuse at all and she was totally in the wrong but like I said to op, I often find when I understand why someone is the way they are I’m generally less annoyed by them. Was just trying to maybe give some perspective, not at all saying what she did was ok!
@bobbiessusu Ofcourse, you are just the messenger and it does put things in perspective that they are not trying to be rude but also as you mentioned it can still be hurtful.
@bobbiessusu I was just coming here to say this. Their culture is, very different, and I find them very blunt. Even our younger friends who are 2nd or 3rd gen have a bluntness about them that I just don't expect.
She and a couple of the other women there basically suggested to me that it’s a cultural thing because of the intense focus on family in their culture. It made a little more sense to me and helped me be less annoyed with her. She still hasn’t stopped pestering me by the way lol

This still doesn't make it okay.
@noodle7 Only China really. And that’s because it was a law for so long. The majority of nail salons are run by those of Vietnamese heritage where one child is not the norm. Again not excusing it but sometimes it helps for our own sake to understand why people are the way that they are.
@stevenglo Why not.. pfft as if its any of her business.. no one asks why some people don't choose to have any children because that might a touchy topic .. but someone choosing to have just one isn't a touchy topic. So annoying
@stevenglo I am oad for a multitude of reasons. My child will be two this summer. I’ve just recently made an appointment for therapy w someone my obgyn recommended to me.

Postpartum recovery ( c section recovery ) , sleep deprivation & depression and anxiety have ruined me.

I love my child. I don’t think I would survive pregnancy & postpartum with another child. The newborn stage was awful.

My point is, people - strangers and people I know - constantly ask about #2. I got a pedicure for the first time since November, the technician would not get off the subject of me having another.

I don’t understand the obsession.
@stevenglo Ugh I’m so sorry this happened, I have never had anyone act like this regarding my OAD status. Honestly I think I would freeze up if someone said this to me and my daughter, sounds like you handled it like a champ. You sound like an awesome parent, I hope it didn’t ruin the wonderful day you had with your daughter ❤️
@stevenglo Wow so rude. I really hope she learned her lesson, and won’t do that to someone else. Geez! Mind your own business. You handled it amazingly, but I’m sorry you had to deal with it at all.