Next level rudeness

@stevenglo I have started just going straight there as soon as people bring it up. Look them right in the eye and say, "We wanted another, but we weren't able to." If it makes them uncomfortable, oh well. They made me uncomfortable too. People shouldn't comment on other people's family size.
@bkapambwe7 Yep. I do this too. I got sick to death of the pushy people. I usually say "nope, can't have any more." And then if they pushes comes the "well you never know.." Then I generally look them dead in the eye and say, "well it took two years of fertility treatment to get pregnant, almost died in childbirth, and was told if I could even get pregnant again, myself and baby could/probably die. So NO I DO KNOW." I hate people like this.
@stevenglo It’s not too late to call and discuss with a manager. That really needs to be flagged. It was insulting for OAD folks, but this conversation could be devastating for people who can’t have more and desperately want more.

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