newly pregnant, run my half?


New member
hi! I’m 5+1 and found out yesterday I was pregnant. planned to run a half marathon this weekend. poked around on this sub and it doesn’t seem like there are any risks to running it with proper hydration. I unknowingly ran my second marathon 2 weeks ago and I was very newly pregnant then. guess I’m looking for some reassurance that running wouldn’t be a risky choice. thanks!!

edit to update: it didn’t occur to me to check with my ob since I won’t see them until 8 weeks, but like you all suggested I called the nurse line. they reached out to the doc who said “go for it!”. I’m looking forward to starting this pregnancy out on a fit note!
@monkeyroo You must be a well-seasoned runner to be racing a half only two weeks after a full.

Five weeks is the tiniest blip of a baby, you’re fine as long as you haven’t been told otherwise by a doctor. Mine gave the okay yo train for a half at 30wks, and encouraged me to do basically whatever I wanted to keep active so long as it wasn’t an obvious danger like horseback riding or impact sports.

Edit for word
@monkeyroo I ran a half at 5 +5 pregnant not knowing. I usually don’t eat before a race but after that I felt so weak and naseaus. I was confused why I felt like such shit after a great race. After I got a pos pregnancy test I realized it was being depleted AND fighting morning sickness post race. So my advice is not only hydrate smartly, but maybe eat a little more before or an extra gel during. You can def do it though!! I PR’d! I’m running another this weekend at 9 weeks. Feeling nervous but reminding myself I’m well trained and if I stay fueled I got this! So do you!
@judywilks1 awesome! great job on your PR. I’m going to do this one (if I decided to do it) as a recovery kinda thing. it’s the local half and it’s just too fun to pass up. I’ll take your advice about a bit of extra carby snacks! thanks!
@monkeyroo Most doctors say that you can keep up with the same physical activity you did before you were pregnant, but don’t push it any harder and listen to your body when to slow down. I had a friend run a half while like 18 weeks pregnant.

Seems like you are a consistent and well seasoned long distance runner, so you “should” be fine. My advice would be to call your doctor and ask, but if you run it, intentionally run slower than usual and make sure you are properly fueled and hydrated.
@monkeyroo Like other people have said-check with your doctor.

It seems like you’re a runner so this should be fine. Just know you’ll likely feel a bit more tired than usual.

I’m at the end of the first trimester and it’s been a low key pregnancy but fatigue is the main symptom I’ve had. I teach fitness classes a few times a week and I’ve kept up with those all pregnancy so if running is your norm, keep it up. Just know you might not have the same times as before or be able to run as long outside of races.

Hydrate well and definitely eat something before the race! I wasn’t much of a breakfast person pre pregnancy but now it’s a must to keep nausea away.

Good luck and congrats!
@monkeyroo I would say you might not PR but it’s probably fine! You seem like a seasoned runner and you’re still so early on. When I ran a marathon a few years ago there was a lady running as well who had to be at least 6 months pregnant.
@monkeyroo That’s awesome! We are capable of so much during pregnancy and I think it’s amazing! I was going to my bootcamp style classes right up until the third trimester and even now I’m still working out every day but it’s more walking or slow jogging
@katrina2017 amazing! this will (hopefully) be my fourth baby. in my first pregnancy I was so sick with hg that I stopped focusing on my fitness. I didn’t do much more than run a 5k until after my third baby. I wanted to prioritize my health and my wellbeing so I picked up running again after a 5 year hiatus. in the 18 months since my third was born I’ve run two halfs and my first and second full marathons! this is suprise pregnancy but I hope to make it my fittest and to be able to return to running (which I have passionately rediscovered) when this pregnancy is done. I’m excited about focusing on my fitness more this time around.
@monkeyroo That’s amazing!!! You’re my hero truly, especially making time for yourself with three kids (which everyone makes sound impossible). I’m sure you’ll be able to stay with it and have a super fit pregnancy! It’s been awesome to stay active this whole time and I can’t wait to get back to it after my bubs is born

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