Toddler loves pushing my newly walking baby and I feel lost

@diademjewel Depending on how much space you have to work with, you can get one of those baby play pen type things and either the baby is in there and it's the baby's safe space or the toddler goes in there and the baby isnt "allowed" in.

We dont have a ton of space to work with but we did move our couch away from the wall and put the nugget couch pieces at either end to prevent the baby from going in. Toddler has their own safe space to play away from the baby
@diademjewel I would definitely set up a baby safe area where you’re able to be with baby and toddler is left out. Pushing baby means LESS time with mom and that baby gets more attention. He can observe you interacting with babe but will not be able to lean on you, check on baby or get attention for hugging/kissing baby . Humans are social animals and are highly sensitive to be left out.
@diademjewel Does he enjoy being around/playing with little bro?

If so, there’s your consequence. He doesn’t get to play with him for the rest of the afternoon/morning or similar. But it needs to be something he values.

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity - he’s clearly not learning. You need to up the ante, make it worth it to him to stop.

Clarity of communication, consistency in actions and repetition are the keys to discipline.
@diademjewel I would add something along the lines of "it's my job to keep you and baby safe. If you push baby again then..." and choose a logical consequence that he'll be motivated to avoid, like being removed from playing near the baby

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