Newborn Size Clothes are a Scam and Other Thoughts

@katrina2017 We actually had to run out for a few premmie outfits after our little man was born full term at 5 lbs 12 oz! He’s swimming in his newborn outfit he wore home from the hospital
@jerryklasic Yes to hand me downs! But I will add - our 2 month old is still in a mix of newborn and 0-3 month (and 3-6 month lol) clothes. She came about 10 days early and newborn clothes were big on her at first. It was a big surprise bc her dad and I are both very tall and she was measuring in the 85th percentile the whole pregnancy.

And the sizes are so confusing AND not consistent across brands at all.
@jerryklasic We heard similar advice and didn’t buy or register for any newborn outfits. Had my baby and my husband had to run to Walmart to buy NB stuff because the 0-3M outfits swallowed him up. He was 6lbs on the nose. My advice: buy some NB outfits and keep the tags and receipt. If you have a big baby, returns are easy.
@heavenhome I heard similar advice, but I was a small baby so I registered for a few newborn basics. If I remember it was a two pack of gowns, a five pack of white onesies and two three packs of play suits. A friend of the family who is at least a foot taller than me and who’s bragged regularly about how big her babies were went on and purchased all of the newborn clothes I’d registered for, but in 0-3 months size. So they were checked off and I didn’t get an my newborn clothes (except a few things I was gifted separately) and I had way too many 0-3 months clothes cause I’d also both registered for some basics and was gifted tons. She mentioned what she’d done with a “you don’t know anything” attitude about how my baby would never wear them and like she’d done me a favor. It was infuriating. My baby ended up being 7 pounds and wore newborn clothes for over two months. I had to buy more. Some of the 0-3 month clothes were never worn at all and I couldn’t return any of them.
@jerryklasic Definitely hand me downs all the way. As for sizes, like others have said, all babies are different. Mine was in preemie clothes (born full term) for a couple weeks, then newborn for a month or so and so on. She's small but fits into a mix of 6 month to 12 month clothes at a year old. Not all babies are big, but baby sizes are all over the place.
@jerryklasic My baby was 8lbs (so not tiny or preemie) and we’re just now retiring some of his newborn sized clothes at 2 months/12 lbs so I definitely disagree with the first point!

The main takeaway should be that brands are different and babies are different and you really just can’t know until they get here so don’t over invest in any brand or size until you can see your baby in it.
@jerryklasic Finding gender-neutral clothing is so difficult! Most of the time I see either pink or blue stuff. There are so many other colors. Why aren’t baby clothes designers a little more creative? I guess many parents still go pink for girls and blue for boys. I dislike pink and navy blue precisely because of these outdated gender-related stereotypes.
@nick83 Yes! I made a comment but also remember that al colors are for all people!

If you see something cute and you like it—get it! My baby boy wore pink with bows and he looked adooorable!

And gender neutral can really just mean gender non-conforming, Aka: girls wearing trucks and boys wearing kitties. Who cares! Your baby certainly doesn’t!

But if you just want plain colors in all the different colors of the rainbow: has that!
@ko9killer My girl wears a lot if her brother's hand me downs. He LOVES seeing her wear his old romper with bulldozers on it. I also don't see why some animals are for boys and others are for girls. I'm sorry but my girl makes the absolute BEST dinosaur noises (she truly rawrs) so I put her in dinosaur clothes all the time. She has a lot of hair so she rocks a pebbles-style ponytail so she can see, but even if she were bald I don't care if she gets mistaken for a boy. Her clothes make me happy and she seems comfortable, and really that's all that matters!
@nick83 YES, this makes me so frustrated. I tried to stick to organic clothing and found it especially pervasive there except in the really expensive brands. I do not want to dress my boy in all blue. The only other common option is gray which I absolutely hate on a baby, it’s so gloomy. What’s wrong with yellow, red, green, purple... and why do all multipacks of clothing have one cute item and 2 white/black/gray totally bland items?!
@jerryklasic In regards to your last point: YES!

And also—all colors are for all people!

Fire trucks and puppies can be for girls as much as rainbows and kittens can be for boys!

I just got clothes I thought were cute for my baby boy. And I got pink hand me downs from friends because we kept the sex a secret until he was born.

He had a great mix of all different colors, patterns, and subjects.

And today? He’ll mostly pick stereotypical boys clothes over any of the pink stuff.

Your kid will tell you who they are, but I think my job is just to present kiddo with all the options so they can figure it out for themselves!
@jerryklasic Best advice I can give is buy a couple newborn sleepers to have in the hospital and the first couple days at home.

If you have a small baby, you can order more newborn clothes and have them delivered by the time you get home and give them a quick wash.

If you have a bigger baby (all of mine were over 9lbs), then you’ll have sleepers for the first week when they are all scrunched up and move on to 0-3 month once they stretch out.
@jerryklasic I’d recommend at least SOME clothes for going out, and by that I mean outside. A sun hat or a jacket, depending on season. Pandemic or no, you can still go on a walk, even with a newborn, and I’d recommend it for your mental health.

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