Newborn Size Clothes are a Scam and Other Thoughts

@rusyngirl Same for us! I had my son at 39 weeks and he was 6lbs 14oz. Newborn was huge on him until he was about a month old and now that he’s 2 months old the 0-3 stuff we have is starting to fit but some newborn is still fitting well too. We probably could have put him in some preemie clothes at the beginning but since we were just sitting at home the newborn stuff was fine.

So much of the sizing of clothes depends on the baby. Some 7lb babies are long and lean and others are a little more chubby and the clothes will fit each baby differently. I will always recommend that new parents have some newborn on hand, worst case scenario you donate it or save it for your next baby!
@rusyngirl Yeh we only had the take home outfits in newborn for cute hospital photos. I went through a couple of rounds of buying newborn clothes because my daughter was born 6lbs 15oz but dropped to 6lbs 2oz and stayed around 20th percentile.
@rusyngirl Even my daughter who was born at 8lbs 10oz and 21inches long was swimming in the 0-3 month clothes. I brought sleepers to the hospital and ended up taking them off because she was drowning in them. She’s three weeks now and I’m using our 0-3 month onesies but they still are large and the sleepers and swaddles are still too big. Luckily(?) it’s been stupid hot so I don’t really need to use them right now.
@rusyngirl We actually had to go out and buy preemie clothes for our son who was born at 38 weeks weighing 5lbs 11oz. 3 weeks in, and he still isn't even fitting into his newborn sized clothing because he is having trouble gaining weight. Unfortunately even the preemie clothes aren't a great fit as he is 19 inches long and most are made for maximum 18 inches. I think is might be some time before we are in 0-3 months.
@dancequeen12 Wish I knew this earlier for our girl! We were in premies and now in newborn at 2 months. Everything was huge on her because she was pretty long, but really skinny.

Chunking up now though. ☺️
@rusyngirl Same! We had to send my sister out to buy newborn size sleepers the day after ours was born because we were told he was in the 95% for length at our ultrasounds so we had like no clothes that fit.
@rusyngirl Yeah, I honestly wish no one told me “you won’t need newborn clothes” because we had to panic buy premie and newborn clothes last minute 😂 She was born at 36, but even at full term she would have needed them. We’re in newborn right now at 2 months.

MIL’s wish on me to have a 10lb baby was just not so.
@rusyngirl Yeah, my MIL ran out and bought newborn stuff because the only thing we had was the coming-home outfit. Not only was my son 52nd percentile at birth, we had some feeding problems and he stayed un-chunky and in NB for weeks. (And even after we fixed the problems he’s just never been particularly chubby.)
@rusyngirl I find that there is a huge variation in actual size for 0-3 onesies. Some we should have been using during the newborn stage, for sure. Others fit my baby fine at 2 months and will last him a little while longer.
@jerryklasic I would disagree on the sizing aspect. My daughter was 7lbs 4oz at birth, so fairly average, but was in newborn clothes until about 4 weeks. The 0-3 months clothes absolutely swamped her at first. She’s still in 0-3 clothes and will probably have another couple of weeks in them so she will be almost 3 months by the time she starts in the 3-6 months outfits we have for her.

I’d probably advise anyone to buy a handful of basics in the newborn size just to have your bases covered, then if you don’t have a big baby you have something to fall back on and can always buy more if you need them.
@rakis Same. 7lbs 6oz at birth and wore newborn clothes for the first 6 weeks or so. He did eventually have a growth spurt, chunk up and get tall, so we spent very little time in the 3-6m sizes, and he’s now in 12m onesies and 18m sleepers at 10m, but that’s gonna vary from baby to baby.
@jerryklasic I have had 4 kids, all were in newborn for at least 3 weeks. One of them for 2 months, none were less than 37+2w at birth. 0-3 months would of trapped their legs every time they bent them.

Not everyone has big babies lol
@katrina2017 I was going to say something similar. I agree with all the other points, but the first point is very baby dependent. My baby is five weeks and he just started wearing 0-3 month clothing. He was born at 40+3 and was 7 pounds, 21 inches. Even now the 0-3 clothes are slightly baggy, but they're easier to get on than the newborn stuff so we've switched over. We had 9 newborn size onesies and he wore them all several times. I think a better point to make is to maybe have a few newborn outfits on hand, but don't buy a ton because you might not end up needing it.
@katrina2017 I completely agree! My guy was 6 lbs 12 oz at birth and he was swimming in newborn clothes, I can’t image what 0-3 month clothes would have looked like on him. He wore newborn clothes for a month and could have worn them longer but I was tired of him wearing the same few outfits all the time so I moved him up to 0-3 month clothes.
@devotedbaker54 6bs 11oz over here, and we had to make a panic run to Target for NB clothes because she only had 2 outfits! 🤦‍♀️ We were in newborn until 5-6 weeks, and 0-3 until 3.5mo.

We reasoned that most of our friends must have big or tall babies, because everyone swore we wouldn’t need NB. (Thankfully s few shipped us cute outfits after she was born too!)
@katrina2017 Mine needed newborn clothes too. I remember my mom telling me they were a waste but I figured I’d buy a set just in case. So I had 3 newborn sized onesies and had to get next day shipping on some more when it turned out I did need them. My baby was in the 40 percentile for weight when she was born.
@katrina2017 I agree, we only bought 0-3 with a very small amount of newborn clothes. I had to go buy more newborn clothes.

She was 2 months old when she started fitting comfortably in 0-3. 0-3 drowned her for a really long time.

She was 38+2 according to the dating scan, 40 weeks according to period dating. She was 6lb when born. I'm not entirely convinced they got her dating right which is why I mention it. She also lost quite a bit of weight and only started gaining at around a week old, so was at her birth weight by around 2 weeks old.