My supervisor didn’t say I was ok to take the day before my planned c-section off…?

@qork I had 2 surgeries last year and dealt with FMLA. Not sure if it’s exactly the same compared to mat leave but I had to be at the hospital at 4am that Friday and worked a normal shift Thursday, off at 6pm. The first week of my leave was paid for by my PTO, then once that was exhausted they started paying me through disability/fmla. This week of PTO was part of my 12 week leave. I thought it would be 1 week PTO + 12 weeks disability/fmla but it was 1 week PTO + 11 weeks disability/fmla to add up to my total 12 week LOA. Now I had a whole different weirdness when I was only back at work for a week before getting taken back out for another surgery so that’s irrelevant info but the first process was apparently standard.
@qork If you take off the day before your surgery, which you can absolutely do, your FMLA/maternity leave will start the day before surgery. You cannot concatenate PTOs with maternity leave/FMLA in most places in the US. PTOs, paid holidays, etc all run concurrently with FMLA/parental leaves. That's not weird at all, but the norm
Maybe your supervisor hesitated because you said you'll take vacation PTO before your leave starts?

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