My kid is 3 and I’m unwell.

@lukesimpson 3 is ROUGH!!! I had ptsd with it and my second has been tough 1-3 now that she’s 3 it’s a DREAM!!! She is so fun and amazing. So don’t get nervous about it being hard with your second at the same age. It may not be!!
@reziel1611 Happy to hear this! Ours has been tough from 1.5 until now, so I’m hoping she’ll be out of the threenager phase a little early, at least she is pretty emotionally mature for her age 😅 I hear 4 is often a blast with kids that go through those phases early!
@3007 3 suuucccckkkkeddddd. She cried a lot. I cried a lot.

Kid is now 5 and actually kind of awesome to hang out with. We go on mommy-daughter dates to cafes. She can follow most directions. She plays independently. It gets better!
@raneubb 2 and 3 are HARD. My oldest just turned 5 and it’s been so nice to have a little sidekick. My youngest will be 3 in August and we are struggling with him.
@shmat HAHAH this just made me laugh out loud. I thought 2 was hard. Then I thought I lost my shit at 2.5 and now I’m like Jesus Christ - I don’t know if I can do another 9 months of the 3’s hahah
@3007 I've got a 20 month old nicknamed "turbo" because he doesn't stop moving, I was thinking it was going to get easier soon but reading all these comments makes me realise it probably won't until he's like 4 or 5 😭 at least this subreddit is preparing me for what's to come 😂
@shmat One of the guys I work with had several kids and told me 3 is worse than 2. I didn’t believe him. I said no, no there’s no way. And then my son turned three and he’s wildly unhinged and I frequently message him saying “holy shit you were right I wave the white flag”