My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

@mh86 Mine will be prorated next year, since my baby was born Dec 2022 and I get a 28 day “grace period” on leave before bonuses are prorated.

My company is at the top of Best Places to Work lists. Make it make sense.
@mh86 My bonus, surprisingly, was not prorated (I was out 5 months). Our company determines bonuses based on a company incentive program fund (so if the company does well and the fund is at 103%, we all get 103% of our annual bonus- there is a bit of wiggle room though for performance it seems as I always get a tad higher than the fund). Annual bonus is baked into the comp package- it is listed on workday under total comp.

I would push back on this. Look into the details of how your company determines bonuses, because if there is nothing around hours worked etc. you could definitely argue your bonus should be based on your performance while working (not factoring in protected leave). Most large companies seem to really spell out how the bonus is obtained, I’m guessing to protect themselves from issues that could arise from bonuses at the discretion of managers etc.
@mh86 I work for large tech company and they specifically mentioned during my year end review that when they review my performance they made sure not to count the months I was out against me. And I received a generous bonus for both the years where I was our 4-5 months for maternity leaves.
@mh86 When I went out on leave with my first kid, I was desperately trying to figure out how my coworkers would “top up” their disability with PTO since my company made you use it all anyway. Being not overly clear, I guess I just thought it was an automatic process but my first three weeks I received full 40 hour paychecks because they were using up all my PTO. Guess who’s disability didn’t pay out for those weeks? I filed a claim stating I wasn’t working and my company forced me to use my PTO so the state did end up cutting me a check for the backpay but it was so stressful on a new mom.
@mh86 I don't know if this is common, but I had a baby last year. I was out for 12 weeks. I returned, and the next month was given a bonus of about the usual size that I get during a year along with the usual yearly raise. The teams that I work on all met their deliveries which I contributed to while pregnant--I did not have an easy pregnancy, and teams met their deadlines when I returned to work. I would be very upset if a company that I worked for prorated my bonus or my yearly raise because I took 12 weeks of maternity leave.
@mh86 My bonus was prorated and given to someone else. My raise was also cut too. I was furious because I still got my projects completed, caught up with all my reports from while I was away, including 3,000 emails. The person who received my cut of bonus was later fired when I left, why? Because I managed him and kept him on task.

The glass ceiling is real, and their stupid policy made it easy for me to leave.
@mh86 Yeah I got so fucked during my leave. Had 11 weeks off, depleted my 3 weeks of vacation and had to “borrow into the next year,” took 3 weeks unpaid and got 66% of my income for 4 more weeks. Ass. Thankfully I have a job now that does 12 weeks full pay, that’s one of the reasons I took it actually! Women need more support! The US is hella behind. I’m sorry girl 🫤
@mh86 Pretty typical. Our bonuses are based on certain “goals” being met - and without regard for the fact that I met said goals, worked through most Saturdays in my third trimester, and put in extra hours to tie up loose ends and train back ups - my bonus was still prorated to exclude time on maternity leave. Are you an engineer? Do you record your time? Is it possible you worked a lot of hours before you went out and you can take that angle of asking them to prorate on hours and not business days?
@mh86 The company I worked for during my first pregnancy did profit sharing bonuses, set up to be paid out starting after the first full quarter following you working there for a full year… I was due to get my first bonus after 1st quarter that ended 3/31/20 as I had celebrated my 1 year of working there in December 2019. I went into preterm labor and had to go on leave- totally unpaid one week before the end of the quarter….I got no bonus-I was a manager and receptionists and other staff was still calling me daily (even while I was in the hospital) to tell me they were going to be late or weren’t coming in, or to complain about their co workers. The most toxic work environment I’ve ever worked in. I quit 2 weeks after I went back following my maternity leave.
@mh86 It is such BS. They prorated my bonus and my vacation time due to my leave. The extra annoying part is our company is based in Canada with like 20 US employees and they don't prorate for either Canadian or UK employees... Only US.