my bf pulled out BEFORE PRECUM

@sreya You would think that in a strict eastern country, she would not be using language like that because even in the west, the words she’s using are considered “vulgar” and made a lot of us cringe. As you can read in her post, there is often a fear culture around sex and cursing. It’s surprising that an eastern country resident has such vulgar vocabulary because cursing can be punishable by law (not all eastern countries) and cursing is generally less common because the countries are extremely conservative and strict. Eastern countries are generally centered around religion. Free speech is not celebrated. Women have fewer rights and would definitely be punished (by family or government) for speaking this way. It’s surprising that she even knows what those words are given the censorship and religious aspect of a lot of eastern countries.
@camelasdf The way you’re speaking about her is infantilizing and disrespectful. While the phrasing might have been crass, this a situation that is clearly causing her stress and for you to chip in about what you think a women from the eastern part of the world should speak like is unnecessary, incorrect and frankly a little bit racist. Also you are wrong about how women from the East speak being from an eastern country, They talk like anyone else and people from the east are not a monolith. Your comment was disrespectful and unnecessary. While my girlfriends post might have been unnecessary or crass (if you are so inclined to describe that way) atleast she didn’t personally disrespect anyone the way you did.
@sreya I wasn’t attacking her, I was just observing it as shocking. I don’t care about her language nor was I judging, I was just observing. Also interesting how you fully baited me to explain more then revealed she is your girlfriend. Seems like you want a fight. Seriously wasn’t attacking her lol

I also commented separately that she likely wasn’t pregnant. So my initial intention was to help.
@anshu DO NOT APOLOGIZE! What you did was literally just described what when down in sex which was not vulgar in anyway… if these people want to as t like they don’t get to talking nasty in the locker rooms that’s on them. Don’t let ‘em shame you!
@anshu Its hard to become pregnant with precum. The cases in which it happens is because there was previous eyaculation, which means some of the sperm where still in the tracts. As someone previously said, pull out method is actually pretty effective if done right, even better if you know the fertile days of your girl. Problem with pull out is that most of the people are not really good at it, reason why is not recommended.
@anshu You cannot predict or avoid precum, no matter how often you check.
Always use more than one method of birth control. If you are not ready to have a child or get birth control of some kind, I would not have sex.
@danieltenev Hello this is ops bf. We appreciate your input but we are not interested in abstinence. We will definitely explore other BC options and use them in conjunction with each other. Thank you for your advice and hope you have a good day.
@anshu I'm sure at this point you know if you got pregnant, but reading it just this evening (as opposed to 2 months ago) I would say, "No, you're not pregnant." Sounds like your boyfriend did everything right. In fact he went overboard checking for pre-cum. I happen to be one of those people who do not believe precum can cause pregnancy. If precum has sperm in it, it's from a previous ejaculation. He pulled out minutes ahead of ejaculating and did so on his stomach away from your vagina. No chance you got pregnant. He could have thrusted inside of you to the point of reaching orgasm and as long as he pulls out and ejaculates all of his semen outside of your vagina, that's a successful pull-out and avoids pregnancy.

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