My bf broke my heart last night… gutted this NYE

@jezza I’m so so so sorry. If it makes you feel better, you are totally capable of flying with a baby by yourself! I’ve done it with my son a few times (even with a cat, a carryon, and a stroller in tow). Airports/airlines are pretty good about accommodating people with small children. For example, you can bring a stroller with you all the way to the gate and they’ll check it for free as long as it’s tagged. A stroller ended up being easier once my baby got heavier (and they offer extra space for purse, diaper bag, etc). If you prefer a carrier you strap to yourself, do that! Also, just remember that the majority of people on the airplane with you are probably parents and empathize with you more than anything. Don’t let social media lie to you - most people on planes won’t be an asshole about your kid. You got this!
@jezza Go enjoy your time with your family and figure out how to leave your bf. It’s tough, I left right after giving birth (it was extremely traumatic so saying “I left” is a very simplified way to put it. It starts out tough but gets much better. My daughter is 20 months, we’ve traveled by plane to Mexico, to Texas (from Nc), we’ve traveled by car to Tennessee twice, and currently on a trip to Florida by car. It’s not that bad. Like it seems bad but then it’s over in just a few hours. Take anything to entertain. A tablet works great, download his favorite movies. If your breastfeed, that worked amazing for me