My bf broke my heart last night… gutted this NYE

@jezza sometimes when you have some distance you realize it's easier to do things on your own than with someone you have to carry. You can do this, but if you're planning on flying with your kid on your lap I'd call the airline and see if they can sit in your partner's seat.
@jezza Flip the script. Tell him you'll go without the baby and see how fast he's willing to go with you. That should tell you everything you need to know.
@gracethomas As much as I would love this suggestion. Based on OPs post it seems like she’s already done the heavy lifting, he knows there’s no way she would trust him alone with the baby for a week. This dude is piece of work
@jezza You’ve got this mama. And you will be amazed at how strong you really are.

I’m so sorry, but maybe this will be for the best in the long run. At least you will be surrounded by family and love tomorrow ❤️
@jezza That sounds super sus, especially if it seems like it came out of nowhere…

You can definitely do the flight alone! I won’t go into detail, but I had a disaster flight with my 3yo to fly to my grandma’s funeral, and it was still 100% worthwhile and I was just so happy I had that time with my son. Go on vacation and bond with your baby! I think you’d be surprised how healing it can be!
@rkellinas Went through this with my husband. Out of the blue, said he was feeling depressed and wasn’t happy with our marriage and turned out one of his internet gaming friends expressed interest in him and there was mutual feelings. He was hiding all these feelings of frustration in our marriage and instead of letting me know, he went a different route and was having an emotional affair. After loads of therapy, we have worked things out BUT I would be very suspicious of this guy as well. Something is up and he doesn’t want to tell her.
@rkellinas He’s depressed af. Had 3 mental breakdowns this year, doesn’t know what happiness really means etc. every time I think we’re starting to turn the leaf it takes over again. Oh btw no issues like this before babies birth. So many wonderful surprises!
@jezza Sounds like postpartum depression? I'm so sorry, I know how hard it is to support your partner when his depressed and a baby in the mix too!

Sending you so much love and wish you the best travelling! You got this and soon you'll be with your family!!
@jezza wow i am so sorry. what a scumbag to leave you to navigate traveling alone with a a small baby.

i will tell you i traveled alone with a 10 month old & it wasn’t nearly as bad as i thought, & people were so incredibly kind to me. just be as calm as possible, move at a slow speed that you are comfortable with, & you will kick ass. again, i am so sorry. your bf is a selfish jerk.
@jezza Girl I’m gutted for you.

The only time I flew on my own with my 6 month old she definitely had a blowout in the middle of tsa security scan. We made it. So will you. Get to the people who love you. Love yourself. You’re worth it, even though he’s too much of an ass to know it. He doesn’t define your worth. Stay strong.
@jezza If you have Facebook there are tons of traveling with babies/toddlers groups. Lots of people travel pretty far on their own. It’s overwhelming, but people have done it before you and can offer great advice. You’ve got this.
@jezza I'm so sorry. I know this is stressful... but go on the trip. And don't be afraid to ask for help! I flew solo with my baby a couple weeks ago and people were all nice and kept offering help... people see a solo mama and want to help! Tonight is dark but there's light in your future. The only way out is through. Hang in there. 🤍
@jezza I read the amazing phrase somewhere and keep repeating it to myself during the hard times: ‘Sometimes the only way out is through’. You got it.
@jezza It might be a good idea to transfer your bf’s seat to your baby and bring the car seat on the plane. You can bring a stroller and gate check it but it is nice to have a seat for baby and it’s safer