@komdiarect I stressed over this decision too. Like you, I asked people about their experience. I also spoke to medical people (OBGYN & midwives) and attended a birth class that covered vaginal and c-section.
In the end I created a birth map, not a birth plan. I didn't have to decide until it was 'go time' (i.e. week 38, I went into labour, or medically needed to), so the decision would be based on the situation.
For me that included how confident I felt with the OBGYN in charge, the position babies were in, if I went into labour 'naturally', etc.
If I'm honest with myself, I wanted a vaginal birth but I was TERRIFIED of it. Now that I'm on the other side, I think a vaginal birth would have been significantly easier than my c-section recovery.
In the end I didn't really have a decision as they needed to be whipped out quickly with a c-section. But because of my birth map, I was able to do things that made it really special anyway - like immediate skin-to-skin, delayed chord clamping, etc.
Overall it was a beautiful birth. C-sections definitely can be. If I went again, I'd probably try harder for a vaginal birth but that's only with hindsight.
Good luck with whatever you end up doing; I hope you have a beautiful birth x