Cosleeping moms... when did you ditch the C-sleep position?

@rocknroll15 It’s so rough. I think I started putting a pillow behind me and rolling onto my back (at an angle still tilted towards her a bit) around 8 months. By that point she was fully crawling and could get to a seated position from laying either on belly or back.

Now I don’t use the pillow behind me but just roll onto my back and return to the C when she nurses. I keep my arm above her head to prevent her from scooting towards the headboard.
@rocknroll15 We only started cosleeping recently at 10 months. I feed to sleep in c curl and then once LO is asleep with 3/4 of the bed to herself (😂) I roll away to the edge of the bed and turn my back to her. She will usually roll onto her front at some point and settle like that. Neither of us move very much in our sleep.
@rocknroll15 Hey, my daughter is 21 months old and we still co sleep.
Just wanted to tell you it gets better, you woll be able to sleep with your arms wherever you want .

You're doing gread, and maybe you can treat yourself to a massage?
@rocknroll15 I started cosleeping at 7 months because she became much clingier. It was very tough on my back and neck, she wants to stay latched on while she sleeps and then keep her face between my breasts the whole night.

It doesn’t feel safe, so I gently try to move her over and she rolls right back to me.

I decided that enough is enough and I now move her to her own crib every time she falls asleep. She wakes up almost every single time and starts screaming bloody murder, but I’m not giving up. I pick her up again, nurse to sleep again, and transfer again.

After about 3 tries, she might protest a bit but just fall asleep immediately because she’s just exhausted.

This wastes a few hours of sleep for me each night, but the sleep that I do get is much higher quality, knowing that she’s safe in her crib and I won’t roll on top of her. It’s also nice to be able to roll around freely in my own bed without worrying about waking her up!
@rocknroll15 Probably around 5 or 6 months I started modifying to a more figure 4 position rather than a the full C curl. Then once he was crawling around 7 months we put our mattress on the floor, and by 8 months the C curl was used only some of the time. Now at 14 months the C curl actually feels special because these toddler sleeping positions are getting wild lol. I will say though my baby was always big (99%) and on the early end for gross motor milestones so I mostly followed his lead when he seemed ready to have more space.

ETA: he also mostly wanted to sleep ON me from around 7-12 months anyway 🤷🏼‍♀️
@rocknroll15 From when my boobs got soft enough to hang down my armpits so she can latch while I lay on my back 😂 (I think this was around 8 months)

Edit: to give hope! She’s 11 mos and I fell asleep on my front this week, it was f*ing delightful 💕
@rocknroll15 I’m sure someone is gonna say this isn’t safe but I think once my baby could sit up/roll over on her own (around 6m) I started rolling away from her after she would fall asleep and sleep however felt comfortable for me. Now she’s almost 11m and we still nurse side lying, then she usually unlatches herself and rolls away, and I myself will roll away and sleep on my stomach. She will usually crawl over to me and put her hand on me to nurse in the night, or she’ll cry out and I’ll just roll back over and give her the boob. There are still occasions where she wants to be latched all night and I end up sleeping in the c curl all night long, but those are not the norm. So hang in there! When she was a new born I remember thinking I would never sleep comfortably again, but you will !
@rocknroll15 Pillow is a lifesaver yes, LO is 8 months old and I remember joking when he was 4 months old that I was growing accustomed to sleeping with dislocated arms. At night I always roll away after nursing (king size floor bed with barriers). When I happen to fall asleep alongside him after nursing, I have no worry that max 30 minutes after that my back will kindly wake me up and say time to move lol (killing me actually). Now since LO has turned 6 months, I come to nurse when needed in the floor bed where he sleeps and I go back to sleep in my bed in the room in front.(This gigantic floor bed where I just have to go above the barrier at night and lay down and then go back I and lay down in my own bed is the best investment ever). Kudos to my wrists also, for keeping up with being stretched above and beyond when I stuck my hand palm facing down behind LO’s back when side lying so that my arm doesn’t bulge when I happen to fall asleep. As for me, YES for him to have his sleep space if it is working for the both of you.(nursing friendly sleep space is even better, I personally never have to pick him up whatsoever at night.)

Edit: yes to extra firm mattresses
@rocknroll15 Mine is 17 months and I think my back is broken forever. I do switch sides but I have to roll her with me, otherwise she wakes up lol

I'm hoping she will sleep in her own bed soon!
@rocknroll15 I was in the same boat as everyone else, killer back pain woke up like I got hit by a freaking truck, around 9 months I invested in a tempurpedic memory foam mattress cover and a better memory foam pillow for side sleeping (the coop I think?) both from Amazon and my sleep quality improved drastically, I still wake up with some aches and pains but not nearly as bad as before.