Would Working Moms Prefer a Hybrid Model of Remote and In-Office?

@rachele14 Definitely a hybrid. Two days out of the week I’d have to be in office working with the doctor. One day out in the field seeing clients, maybe even half that day. Then the other two I can do all my work from home. We were trusted enough before to go in and out of the office as needed but never to just work from home.

Working from home destroyed my organization since I have no designated workspace. But it’s been a blessing for my son and I. I love working but I also love spending time with my son and doing mom stuff all day. I can do both now!
@rachele14 I don't think hybrid would be that convenient for me ince my kid is in daycare and I can't work while she's around. If I'm WFH and my partner isn't I end up naturally picking up more of the chore load, and I'm less effective at my job if everyone else is full time in the office.

I took some WFH days when pregnant and it was a nice relief, but I don't see a big win here personally. I'd also not have all the equipment necessary at home, unless my company drastically changes its IT policy post pandemic, and I definitely prefer being in a work environment to focus so that I can leave work at work and spend home time being, well, at home.

I feel like I'm thoroughly in the minority, what am I missing?
@mama3 No, you're not. I don't think there's a minority since everyone's set up is so different. From what I gather of your post, you have a very young child. People used to ask me why I didn't work from home with a TODDLER...they need constant attention and monitoring, that's why!
@rachele14 I work completely remote (my company only has offices in other states). My town has a coworking space though with in-house drop in daycare with affordable rates that, once covid is “over” we might seriously look at. I feel like this model would be ideal; remote as much as I’d like, but with a coworking space option if I need to meet in person with clients or just need an adult conversation.
@rachele14 I work from home 100% of the time. I’m going to have a baby and will be using daycare. I prefer to WFH. I have to think critically in my job and co workers are a distraction.
@katrina2017 I have to agree, though it depends on work environment. When I was working FT at one job, I was also doing work at night because SO many people would come by for quick chats I would lose hours.
@rachele14 YES! That's exactly what I hope it will be offered at my workplace.
At the moment we already have a non written rule of Friday's WFH, but I'd like to have at least Thursdays and maybe Wednesdays WFH.
Of course with full time childcare. I worked from home during the pandemic for 3 months, with my 2yo and being pregnant and it was a nightmare.
@quietthomas My friend was actually in the same situation. And while you can get all the love and supportive words in the world from people, no one can get through it for you. You're very strong!