Moms! How did you decide if you wanted a vaginal birth or a C-section?

@komdiarect So I had my singleton 6 years ago and it was a vag birth and everything was fine until it wasn’t and the birth was a little scary and they had to use suction to get him out. He was fine and healthy. So fast forward to last year and I initially was like just do the c-section because I don’t want that anxiety again. You can go through a tough labor and push the first one out but end up needing an emergency c section anyway if the second one goes into distress so that was where my head was at when I made my decision. Towards the end I wanted to change my mind but twin A was breach (which almost always means c section) and twin B was transverse so I really had no choice.
@merciet Same for my single and twins - traumatic vaginal birth for single and planned c-section (both breech) for the twins. Planned c-section recovery was so much better than the traumatic vaginal birth recovery.
@komdiarect Not a mom yet but I’m also going through this! If they are both head down we will definitely try for the vaginal. B is currently breech, so if that stays the same, we will base our decision on which docs are on the floor when I deliver. If I make it to induction, we will schedule so that one of the two docs who are VERY comfortable with a breech B will be available for ~3 days after induction starts.

Unfortunately if I just randomly go into labor we’ll just do whatever the doc on call feels comfortable with.

If it makes you feel any better, my spouse and I did a massive search of how frequently people have to get an emergency c for B after delivering A vaginally. If I recall correctly, something like 4%. Both of my providers who do twins a lot said they have only seen it a handful of times.

Either way, I plan to get an epidural sooner than later so that if we do need to do a C, I don’t need to go under general anesthesia. That is the main thing I want to avoid. I was disappointed when I realized I wouldn’t be able to have an un medicated birth (which I’ve always wanted to try) but not worth the risk of missing it all.

I would talk to your doctors and see how comfortable they are with twin deliveries in different scenarios. For us, the confidence of those two doctors was what made us feel comfortable with the choice we’ve made.
@melikeyoubaby Thank you for sharing!! I felt like this at the very beginning and baby B finally did flip around 30 weeks. Which was great news, but the closer I get to delivery the more I question if it’s what I want. I’ve also read that the emergency C-section for baby B is unlikely but I still just feel uneasy that it’s a possibility to happen
@komdiarect I had a planned C-section date and decided that IF I went into labor before then and IF they were both head down that I would do a vaginal delivery. I figured that was enough signs to be meant to be :). My water broke at 35+3 and my babies were born vaginally 7 hours later! Minimal tearing & pretty easy recovery.
@komdiarect I had an 18-month and my husband only had 2 weeks off after the birth. I didn't want a C-Section because I dreaded the recovery. I worried about picking up the toddler to put him in his crib or to bathe him. I spent 2 months in the hospital before the birth and the thought of not being able to properly care for the older baby when I got home was devastating for me. I didn't have anyone to come and help me in case recovery was difficult. My OB offered a C-Section, but I decided I only wanted one in case of an emergency. I gave birth in a delivery room that doubled as an operating room in case an emergency C-Section was necessary. I ended up being induced at 37 weeks and gave birth vaginally.
@komdiarect My OB and hospital are comfortable with twin vaginal births with or without breech extraction for Baby B, as long as Baby A was heads down. I felt like that reduced the risk of an emergency c-section for Baby B. I ended up pushing for two hours in my room and then was wheeled into the OR when Baby A crowned. Baby B flipped breech (she had been doing somersaults for the whole pregnancy) and came 13 minutes after via vacuum assist. Both babies were healthy with high Apgar scores. I had a second degree tear and stitches.

For me, I am a go with the flow kind of person. I planned to have an epidural in case there was an emergency surgery needed but everything went well. I was walking within an hour and had an easy recovery. I was grateful not to have a c-section because my nursery set up and bed are on the ground so it would have been hard to get up and down.

My only suggestion would be to ask your OB if they are comfortable with breech extractions and to be open to different types of pain management and interventions. My birth plan was to get everyone home safely.
@komdiarect Still pregnant with the twins, but my first ended in an emergency c section so I plan to do a planned c section with these. My body has never given birth naturally, and I really really don’t want to have to try and recover from a vaginal birth AND a c section if something goes wrong. I think it will be a little easier to plan with our dogs and toddler. Our first go around the healing process wasn’t bad at all (not gonna lie the first day was ROUGH but after that it was very smooth sailing, I feel it would have been rough regardless). Our team was great, they had my husband be very involved right when our son was born because I couldn’t be, they took photos for us, everything. The main Anesthesiologist was a jerk but everyone else was lovely (and that’s just how it is sometimes lol).

It will be weird choosing their birthday, walking in, etc but kind of nice to be able to plan ahead of time (as much as possible, obviously you can go into labor early).

Also considering getting my tubes out in the same go, it only adds on a couple extra weeks recovery and they’ll already be in there.
@komdiarect I didn't want so much of the unknown so I did a planned c section. I would have had to labor in an OR anyway and have a pretty low pain tolerance - plus knew there was a decent chance I'd end up getting a c section for one or both anyway, potentially after hours of labor. 100% glad I chose that route.
@komdiarect I chose c-section. Baby A was significantly smaller than baby B which I was told isn’t ideal for vaginal birth for a couple reasons. Vaginal delivery wasn’t out of the question but c-section felt like the least stressful route for us all.
@komdiarect So, I was biased toward wanting a vaginal birth to start with, for various reasons but also because I had already had one before. But what really made the decision for me was the reassurance of my care team that it was likely to be successful and that they were skilled and capable of doing a breech delivery or pivoting to C-section if needed (neither were).

Talking through the options and different possibilities made a big difference in being reassured either way. Having a care team was really helpful too, because I got different perspectives from different providers (multiple midwives and 2 OBs).