Mom bods

@whatwasoldisnewagain It was never pulling feeling. Not like in a real
Way that caused my crazy shit t happens mine slowly started leaking fluid, just being wet ya know, then the skin on the scar picked up and felt thin. Like bubbles kinda? Think skin bubbles?

Fuck I’m not making you feel better

BABIES ARE GREAT! I love my child! La da da da
@seen121 There was that whole thing recently with Linda Evangelista coming out about her coolsculpting that had gone wrong and left her with permanent lumps, check it out if you haven't seen it yet! People should know before they have it and before her I'd heard nothing about potential complications of it
@igorwulff My take away from that:

She did it to her whole body at one time. It was super weird. That’s not what it’s meant for. You’re supposed to be at your target weight but with a funny pocket of fat that won’t go away, like my pooch. If you randomly target spots on large areas of fat, it’s gonna turn out bad.
@seen121 How on earth does layers of tissue and muscle and skin split again 8 months later?? Does that mean it was never healed in the first place??

I had pelvic floor reconstructive surgery and after 6 months they said nothing could “come undone”. So im not understanding
@seen121 Girl I've had cosmetic surgery and its childsplay compared to a C section. In fact, immediately post C while still numb I requested no opioids cause I was avoiding constipation AND I only took tylenol for cosmetic procedures in the past. I think the nurses LOLed and kept the narcotics on hand when I started pressing the help button 3 hours later.

Most painful procedure EVER. Ever ever.
@seen121 I’ve found the best way to overcome negative body talk since having my kid is to hype myself up when I look at my body. “I grew an entire brand new fcking person with this body and that’s fcking awesome!” “My tummy is still soft & round because I grew a whole fcking person in there!! From scratch!!!” Etc etc. It sounds super cheesy but it really helped me reframe how I look at my body for the better.

My current cardio is hula hooping. Seriously. I have been using a hula hoop trainer for almost a year and my body has shifted So Much as it has gotten stronger. Finding a cardio or several (I also walk and will sometimes jump rope when I’m feeling ~extra~) that you really enjoy and that you’ll want to stick with is probably the best advice I can share because anyway you enjoy moving your body is the best way for you to be moving it.

Also once I started working out again and developed some stamina, I added Pilates and strength training. The Pilates in particular is fantastic because I feel stronger every time I do even just a 10 minute class! The stronger I feel, the happier I am with my body. It may look soft still but under that softness is steel.
@seen121 When I’m unhappy with my post-baby body even a decade later, I like to go look at this statue of Aphrodite where even the goddess of love has hips, rolls, and a pouch. That statue is their goddess of beauty and she has a real body. So it helps me check my own views on what is normalized.

@seen121 If it’s somewhat mild, I believe radio frequency (RF) treatments help. I’ve been considering doing it.

I’m also interested in fat transfer for my breasts - I’m too scared of implants so I’d love anyone willing to share their experience with that as well.

Edited to add: I was able to repair my diastasis recti and return to my pre-pregnancy weight with exercise and PT, including a lot from the Birthfit program.
@bonzo1953 I've done a ton of radio frequency when I was much younger. i know... fucked up. Where I'm from, you're required to look like miss universe. I did my first round when I was like 15. It doesn't really work.

edit: Edit to say...where I'm from, cosmetic procedures and surgery is the equivalent of therapy in the US.
@seen121 Hi! I felt exactly the same way and I also had a c-section. I gained about 50lbs during my pregnancy. I was all belly so there was a lot, in my opinion, excess skin. It would look fine,for the most, part standing up, but like bending over it was blah… just hanging there! It’s taken 2 years of consistent exercise (like 30 mins 5 times a week) and watching what I eat to get back into shape and lose the excess skin to a point I am happy. For me cutting out dairy really helped and sucked. I also had a slight diastasis recti, so that didn’t help matters. I started off using the Sweat app’s (by Kayla Itsines) post partum programs and progressed from there. I also looked into cool sculpting, but I just couldn’t do it. Seemed like too many treatments to get it right and I read a couple of horrible stories that turned me away, though many people get great results. I hope that helped and good luck with everything!
@mightygodam It’s crazy cuz some days it’s “okay” looking and some days…woah! Pms/bloating/etc I’m sure plays a part. I can’t drink milk anymore. I drank it for my entire life until my son was a big infant/toddler. Maybe I’ll try combining exercise and a food diary. Also, I did one round of Coolsculpting when my belly was a pooch/shelf. That kicked off my dieting and I lost 30lbs+ this year and voila no more pooch. (Just skin). I personally recommend it. I can fit in my pre baby jeans again and no visible pooch.
@seen121 Yeah that’s how it was for me too. I thought the hanging skin would never go away. That’s cool you got results with one treatment, and great work with the weight loss! It’s hard! My thing was I love cheese, once I cut that out and consistently exercised everything started to fall back into place. Every body is different though. It would be nice if there was a formula that just worked for us all!
@seen121 Please don't read if you'll feel like I'm judging people who want to change their body. I think everyone is entitled to do what feels right for them. This is my personal opinion for my own family.

I grew up with a mother who talked about how much she hated her belly all of the time. She got a tummy tuck. I don't think she was happier afterwards. She just looked for some other part of herself to criticize. She was an absolutely gorgeous woman, face, body, etc... I promised myself that my child would see me love myself because how else will they learn that their own qualities are loveable? I don't think my flabby belly makes me less sexy. I look like a mom because I am a mom and my body did something craaaazy. I'm wearing that with pride and anyone who thinks I'm less attractive because of it has a very particular idea of what being attractive means. To me, confidence is beautiful. Self love is beautiful. Being comfortable in your own skin is amazing.
@seen121 This might not help much but here's my 2 cents.

I use to way 425 lbs, I've lost 145lbs so far and had a baby so I have baggy skin and fat just about everywhere still. Even with weightloss I'll never look how I want because of the baggy skin which I already have. For me compression clothing and sexy outfits have helped me learn to like my body. I may not enjoy being naked but I love how I look done up a that gives me the boost I need on days I'm pissed off at my body.