Mom bods


New member
Posting here (rather than plastic surgery sub) bc I feel more comfortable in this community. Moms with mom bellies: what can be done? I’m happy with my body except for the loose skin. Not mad at it enough for a huge surgery. I was down for 8+ months after my c-section (slightly traumatized but physically fine now). It’s been 3 years now and I hoped it would magically get better on its own.

Any exercise tips? Other health/beauty/alt surgery tips? Or tips on how to get over it and love yourself anyways?
@seen121 I hesitated to comment on this because it might not be what you wanted to hear. But, I also know marketing companies, beauty companies, and MLMs prey on women for this issue so felt compelled to put myself out there anyways.

If it’s solely loose skin, then sadly, not a whole lot can be done that isn’t non surgical. I am fairly fit (I too was laid up for almost a year post partum and had been an athlete prior to pregnancy; I feel you there, it sucked big time). I have a visible “6-pack” when standing up and flexing. But when I lean over? Loose skin. It’s just genetics and asides from a tuck, it won’t change much more than it does after you’re done lactating post partum. Please don’t waste your money on any expensive products claiming to do so.

If what your concerned about could possibly be related to lingering diastasis recti, then someone like a pelvic floor physio could help you out with graded exercise for that. Many women report a bit of a “pooch” if they are having issues generating tension there post partum, and it can improve with proper physio and mindful loading.

I know for me, I struggled really hard with my loose skin. And I cannot afford surgery for it. My only is almost 4 and I’m just now getting comfortable with it. What has helped me the most is to seek out content of other women exercising or just living their lives with the loose skin - normalizing it. It really made me realize how we hide away and don’t normalize these things.
@dirtysouthboy Thank you! I wish seeing a post baby belly was more commonplace. My friend was so so skinny after her 2nd baby. She lifted up her shirt to show me her stomach and I was horrified. It SHOOK me. Even though I knew I shouldn’t feel that way. Now I have a similar body and similar reaction to myself. It feels like karma?

Thankfully I don’t have muscle separation. After having my son I’ve learned things can go way worse than imagined. Trying to be thankful I’m alive and in one piece with a healthy boy.

(P.S. Fuck the media!)
@seen121 I try now at the gym to be that lady for anyone else that might be going through it. Or really for any young girls/women that were like me and didn’t know that it’s a possibility and it’s fine and normal.
@seen121 Why would she do that?? I got lucky after my baby, I still have more of a belly than I did before but not enough that anyone else would really notice, and somehow no stretch marks except near my hips. Seriously, luck/genetics. I can’t imagine showing anyone my belly to brag about it because 1. that just seems mean and 2. I still feel so different and self conscious because my body still changed
@kneeskins It read to me that OP’s friend wasn’t bragging, she was showing OP how her belly had changed for the worse (in her view). Lots of reasons why someone might do that: insecurity, wanting to test out how it felt to have it on display, just wanting to share. It can be really hard when your body changes drastically.
@vera7 Yeah my friend wasn’t bragging. Just being silly at the time (we were hanging by the pool at the local FOE). Her belly was skin saggy yet she’s very happy in her life. Great husband and healthy babies. I was the one who was shocked (inwardly and embarrassed at myself for being so). I’ve been sheltered from real life women/moms. Almost none of my girlfriends ever had kids; we are in our 30s now. I’m adopted. My aunts and the older women who I would look up to are all gone now. There was a gap between my real life relationships with women, my experience in motherhood, and now my finding a motherly community and support network via online. Figuring out “normal” is an evolutionary process.
@kneeskins It's a really helpful space for women learning to love the body they have, i don't get the impression she's doing it to brag about what she looks like, but instead to normalise how our bodies change throughout the life course and we should be able to take joy and pleasure in our bodies rather than hide them away because they don't met normal media representations of womanhood
@dirtysouthboy I recently saw some pictures on FB of a friend in a bikini, with a six pack, and loose skin. She looked beautiful and confident. I’m so glad she did that so other moms can see that it’s normal and ok. I don’t have loose skin but I have stretch marks and I’m showing them off too.
@seen121 Unfortunately loose skin doesn't really get much better even with diet and exercise. I work out and am even in much better shape since having a baby. I have a 6 pack now but still have the loose skin. I thought i could make it go away. Like you said, I don't hate it enough for surgery but it's hard. Especially knowing I did everything I can and can't make it better or fix it. It's really really hard, but I look at this amazing tiny human i created and that helps alot. Sending love to you!!!
@seen121 I'm definitely no expert and haven't done tons of research, but I'm pretty sure surgery is the only option for loose, hanging skin. You can't tone or shape skin, so cutting it off is usually the only choice. Some places do a mommy makeover which is (I think) a tummy tuck, boob lift, and some lipo. A friend of mine had it done and loved the results. If I ever lose weight, I plan on doing the same.