It all came crashing down Tuesday

@pensonfam Honestly, I don't have words, the English language falls at times like these. But I too live in the East of England, and as I watch the sun set tonight, I'll hold a thought for you both & Sonny.

Give yourself time, take up any counselling you can - wishing you all the best I can :(
@pensonfam We lost our first boy, Oliver, in a similar situation. It’s devastating and I think about him daily. r/babyloss and r/ttcafterloss were great online support groups that helped us. Also, sign up for family grief counseling. It really helped us process this life changing event. You’re not alone man.
@pensonfam Damn man, So sorry.

We had a miscarrage and an ectopic after our first daughter. With the ectopic, Wife was in pain. her original doctors office brushed it off. Finally got into a different office. took her back and did the scan. it was a new trainee doing the scan. Took her forever to find the baby. Finally found it. measured the heartbeat. beautiful 145BPM. Everything looked good. Then the doc came in and reviewed it. and broke the news... Because the first office gave us the run-around/did nothing. The tube actually ruptured and had to be removed. Lucky my wife didn't bleed out internally.

It was especially hard on my wife. blaming herself for it. She ended up getting a tattoo with all the birth month flowers on it.

On the trying again part, it'll take time. After our issues, we had 3 more kids, happy and healthy.
@pensonfam I am so sorry, my friend. My wife and I just went through this last summer. The day before we were to leave on our family vacation with our other two kids, we lost the baby at 16 weeks. It is a crazy rollercoaster, and I can't imagine it having been even longer into the pregnancy. I feel so heavily for you and your wife; it is a heartbreaking experience. We learned that we had to turn to each other and our faith when we lost Jonah. It made us stronger as a couple.

We planted a tree and had a granite plaque made for him. My wife is also writing a children's book for parents to speak to each other and their kids about pregnancy and infant loss. We didn't know how to speak to our daughter, who was with us in the room, when we found out that Jonah had passed away. It was so heartbreaking for her and us.

Truly, if you want to talk, PM me, and I will happily provide you with my number.

Best of luck, brother, it gets better.

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