It’s official… I was let go from my job yesterday, 7 months pregnant


New member
Still kind of in shock at the moment, it all doesn’t feel quite real. I was called in to my supervisors office shortly after getting settled in at my desk for the morning, and the conversation only lasted maybe 5 minutes between myself, my supervisor, and her supervisor. (The head of our HR department was fired just over a week ago, I assume this contributed to why a member of HR wasn’t present)
They gave me the old reliable “it’s not a good fit” and that I was expected to gather my belongings and leave the office, effective immediately, and that HR would send me a follow up email at some point with more information for me.
I was fired due to having too many unplanned absences to care for my 1 year old at home. I had received a final warning in February and was told I would be terminated if I had 1 more unplanned absence, so I’ve been sitting on pins and needles since then just waiting for the last domino to fall.. being 7 months pregnant with an infant at home, it was inevitable.. I have built a case for unfair termination, but I don’t know if I have the energy to pursue.. I found out through other coworkers who were gracious enough to disclose their absenteeism’s with me, that there were other staff who had equal to or more absences than myself, and the company was cherry picking which staff and absences would be deemed “write up” worthy, even though it’s plainly stated in the handbook that they do not take the reasons for absences into consideration when implementing disciplinary action, and they fed me the same line for my absences. (9 in total over the past calendar year)

All of that aside… I’m still currently without a job and my husband and I decided I should stay home until baby comes since it would be too much stress at this point to try and get hired somewhere. My baby bump sticks out like a sore thumb against my small frame and even though we all know jobs can’t discriminate in the hiring process, I would never be hired on now..
I need to go to the county offices today and figure out what kind of assistance we qualify for in MN and try to find the silver lining in all of this in the meantime.

Any other moms out there that have any advice or words of encouragement, I’m happy to hear it… I’m treading water and completely terrified but doing my best to keep it together.
@robertjjones That is a bunch of bull shit and I am pissed on your behalf. Fuck them.

File for unemployment.

You've built the case. Get the lawyer. It is exhausting to be 7 months pregnant but try to dig deep and at least get started.
@unclefester Exactly. Lawyer up! OP, it seems like you’ve been doing your due diligence and gathering evidence. Good luck to you with all of this. Most importantly, take care of yourself and your family.
@unclefester Yes! Also this kind of stuff doesn't usually move fast. So OP can start now and if it goes to trial it probably won't happen for months to a year. If the company just settles then the lawyer handles most of that once OP hands over a statement and any evidence.
@robertjjones I’m so sorry to hear that. Don’t feel hopeless. I was in the exact same boat at my last job, last July. Fired at 7 months pregnant. Devastated and felt super stressed that I would never find another job and I would have a huge gap on my resume. Turns out I applied for a job at 34 weeks pregnant, disclosed that info immediately in the interview, got hired and started at 38 weeks! This job paid more, had better benefits, and I worked a whopping 1.5 weeks until I went on a fully paid 100% maternity leave for 18 weeks. They also have a gradual return to work program where the first 8 weeks back I had off every Wednesday. Keep in mind the company that fired me gave me 6 weeks leave with 60% pay and another 6 weeks with 0 pay.

I’ve now been with my new company for almost a year, and have never been happier. It’s truly amazing how things will end up working out for the best. Good luck! I don’t blame you at all for relaxing through the rest of your pregnancy, but keep in mind there are good companies out there!
@youssefrakhif I worked at a large biotech startup previously that hired a woman who was 38 weeks pregnant and she got the same 16 weeks paid leave as everyone else! (I also joined there 19 weeks pregnant). Unfortunately it was a toxic dumpster fire otherwise but the paid mat leave regardless of circumstances was good.
@youssefrakhif My company also does this! Our parents group rallied together and with a lot of protesting was able to secure a similar policy - 16 weeks 100% paid leave, eligible on date of hire, and gradual return to work where you have two months of a two or three-day schedule.
@robertjjones I'm so sorry. I was let go at 22 weeks, given the reason of 'not a good fit'. I had low billable hours. Something my boss always swore was on him to give me more but somehow my teammates always had more than enough hours to meet their quotas but I always came up short. I had just told my boss a week before I was pregnant so it was a shock. I did talk to a lawyer, the process took awhile but it was worth it in the end, especially since I was let go without severance and had to find a new job etc. Please talk to a lawyer. Honestly my lawyer did all the talking and I didn't have to do much except tell him what happened. He talked to the employee and we settled out of court. I did have to pay the lawyer a percentage of the settlement but since I didn't have to pay anything until I got the check it worked out great.

If you're able to still access your email or any other work documentation that shows all these warnings and coworkers confirming they were given more grace than you that would be helpful. but don't worry you can't get that stuff, they can get if the case goes to court.

Try to relax. You should qualify for unemployment so you'll get something while you're off. Hang in there
@livefaith I’m not sure about other states, but here in VA you can’t collect unemployment until you document a job search. I was also laid off pregnant and wasn’t able to collect unemployment for a few weeks after I had my daughter because I was in a hospital bed and then caring for a newborn and healing from a C-section and thus not job hunting
@andycharters That’s technically true but she can collect for 2 months have the baby and reopen her claim. I honestly don’t know how long unemployment even considers you “unable to work” - we’ve all heard crazy stories about women going back to work days after giving birth.

Unethical suggestion - what keeps her from just filing her claim those weeks? All she has to do is apply to 2 jobs a week? If she can do that, she can do office work.
@savedbygrace_777 This is what I did. The only week I didnt claim was the week i gave birth but had I dont any job seeking activities I would’ve. Just kinda felt like i better not? No real reason.
@robertjjones Ugh that’s wretched. I’m so sorry. No advice, no experience to draw from other than knowing a couple of women who were hired when they were very visibly pregnant. Although, I’m with you - the thought of interviewing pregnant would seem so pointless even though I know it does happen.

Hang in there. If you can try to use this time to get your case moving, it will certainly be easier now than after your second arrives.

Good luck!!! Make sure you at least take some time to rest and regroup and do some self care for you.