Is walking good enough if I can’t run anymore?

@sherithorb Walking uphill is a great way to get your heart rate up if you're still looking for something challenging, doesn't need to be a mountain or anything but hills will definitely challenge you

Running just makes me need to pee so lots and lots of walking!
@sherithorb I actually find walking more painful than running as exercise because I walk so much at work. I’m aiming for short, but runs rather than long drawn out walks.

Pain needs to be your guide. In my case, walking for exercise on top of my 20k steps a day is over exercise.

Can you perhaps transition into swimming for cardio? Is by far the most cardio with the least high impact & overall best practice for pain management.
@sherithorb Absolutely. I felt the same as you, wanted to run throughout pregnancy. But at 24 weeks started getting pain like you describe, and stopped before 28 weeks. To be honest, I wished I'd stopped earlier - the last few weeks were tough (being January didn't help!) My concern was if it got so I couldn't walk and get outside, I'd be REALLY miserable.

I understand the fear of losing fitness, and that will happen. But also it'll come back. Everyone's recovery journey's different, so this isn't guaranteed, but my daughter's nearly 2 and over the last year I've PB'd at every distance. So I promise that stopping running now won't necessarily cause issues in the long term, and might actually be a good thing. Just to add as well - don't rush back before you're ready (I did and it set me back a couple of months).

Enjoy your walks, and I hope the rest of your pregnancy and return to running goes smoothly.
@sherithorb Pregnancy exercise is not about gaining fitness and setting PRs, it's about feeling good mentally and physically. So if walking is what comfortable and fun, that is what is best for you. Also, I am 5 weeks pp and not allowed to run yet and I've enjoyed walking. You can still spice things up by finding fun routes, doing faster and slower intervals, and doing inclines and declines. Also I sometimes add small hand weights and do exercise with those. I'm not going to lie, it's not the same as running but it's a better workout than I thought.
@sherithorb Swimming and recumbent bike could be good swaps that would likely not bother your hips but would offer similar intensity and keep your cardio/leg strength in a good place. That way you wouldn’t feel quite as de conditioned when you can run again post birth
@sherithorb I went from running 25 miles a week to Pilates class and spin biking when I can. Standing/walking/running is pretty painful for me. I get it! I think walking is great though, as is ANY exercises. But I was overdoing it at one point (Pilates every day plus some walking) and started getting very severe cramping. My doctor told me that’s my body saying to chill tf out
@sherithorb Dude, I feel you in not feeling the same after a walk as I do after a run. That extended cardio is so good for my mental health! And nothing feels better than a nice long run outside on a pretty day. I agree with others who are suggesting other forms of cardio like swimming. For me, it's been the recumbent bike, which allows my 37W belly some space. I just need to maintain a HR over 120 for 30-45 min a few times a week to feel good!

Similar to you, I hate not being outside for those sessions, but I feel so much better afterwards. I've also been doing a lot of long walks with the dog too to get outside.

Man, I can't wait to run again! We can do it
@sherithorb Walking can be a form of exercise, yes. Walk briskly, maybe take some ankle weights to make it Harder?

Otherwise is riding a bike or swimming an option? I did both when I couldn't run anymore