15 month old not walking

@galileesilk Only got 10 month old here. My child learned to roll at 7 months and don't crawl. Our pedia referred us to physiologist and its been a big help when my child finally sat. There's a little wobbling here and there but two sessions in and the wobbling was gone!
@galileesilk My son had torticollis as a baby, so we did PT for a year. He didn’t stand without holding onto anything until the week he turned 16 months old. He took his first steps within a couple of days of learning to stand independently. He couldn’t even pull to stand until he was 13 months. He’s a few weeks away from turning 2 and the boy RUNS everywhere. If you watch him now, you’d have no idea he was a late walker. I completely understand the anxiety, but it sounds like your boy is on the right track!
@photonfanatic Thank you!! I actually suspected torticollis way early on because he could seem to turn his head to one side for awhile but then it resolved so I thought maybe I was overthinking it. And he didn’t pull to stand until around 12 months
@galileesilk My son is the same age/way! When he went in for his 15 month appointment, the doctor said he wasn't worried and that some babies do not walk unassisted until 15-18 months. It made me feel alot better!
@stacy11 Thanks for sharing! Is he standing alone yet or no? That seemed to be what our pediatrician was most worried about. But after reading all these posts it looks like it’s not something to stress about at all.
@galileesilk Mine didn’t walk until she was around 18 months. She would scoot everywhere, she crawled here and there but I guess didn’t like to feel tiles on her knees so she would scoot. She’d stand and hang onto things but if she needed to get from one place to the next she’d sit back down and scooted. I wasn’t too concerned. My husband was, but we decided since she was thriving in all the other areas that we’d give her some time to see before our next doctor’s appointment.

Then one day she just started taking steps on her own and finally started walking around 18 months.

I think it’s great that your doctor referred you to PT and is trying to provide solutions.
@galileesilk Hey my kid just started walking at 19 months! We had him in PT and that was very helpful and reassuring. He’s just always been slow on his gross motor skills (he didn’t roll over until he was 9 months, he never crawled but started scooting about 13 months). He’s just on his own timeline. It’s amazing he is running around now! Someone has to be on the later side of the percentile spectrum 😂
@galileesilk My baby started walking at 17m. Her doc even suggested physical therapy by her 18m visit if she wasn’t walking. We have toys for her that stand up on their own like a food cart and a camper that she would pull herself up on and we didn’t push it— she got comfy on her own and she’s gonna be 18m soon. She’s a walking menace 😂 she doesn’t stop now
@galileesilk My daughter did not start walking until 21 months so I can understand the stress you are feeling, technically yours isn’t “behind” but it is very stressful to see other baby’s reach milestones yours doesn’t seem to be getting closer to. I tried to not let it get to me but I stressed and cried a lot about it and wondered what I was doing wrong. Mine started wearing glasses around 13 months so I always wonder if that contributed to the delay, so maybe if you haven’t get his eyes checked? Sometimes it just happens though.

What I believe really helped, and what wish I did sooner was a good PT. I’m not sure if it was a mixture of her being ready to walk at the point we got her with this new PT and them being really great at their job or just the PT, but if your very concerned you should start there. She also mentioned that if my daughter wasn’t already in glasses she’d start by having us get her eyes checked, but again mine was over what is considered “normal” to not be walking yet. Mine was in EI but I wasn’t really crazy with the PT assigned so I went private and she was walking independently in about a month, so basically from not standing independently, or even letting us hold her hands to take steps really to walking. Sometimes something just clicks.

In the meantime if he can stand up holding on to something you can try to keep toys up on a couch or low table for motivation to stand and strengthen his legs. Or play a game where you take a favorite toy (or buy some new dollar store toys to keep interest) and put it on the couch so he has to stand to get it. Also bubbles were a huge hit with motivating mine to stand and try to pop them or just watch them.

At the end of the day now my daughter is perfectly fine and thriving despite being delayed in walking you would never know it at this point. I know it’s easier said than done (trust me there were a lot of tears and stress from me too) but some baby’s just take longer than others! I definitely recommend a PT if you are concerned, even just the free evaluation that came from early intervention put my mind at ease a bit that there was nothing too concerning/I wasn’t missing anything besides some kids just doing something later than others. I hope this helps!! You aren’t alone here!
@galileesilk My youngest did exactly this. It was only a month or so ago that he started standing on his own without holding something. And 2 weeks ago (18 months ) that he started walking finally
@galileesilk My little guy was the exact same at 15 months, then started ‘stepping’ (I called it that for a while because he wasn’t full on walking) at about 15.5, walking more sure of himself by 16 months! We also got a referral to PT but by the time they called he was closer to 17 months and didn’t need it anymore. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in what everyone else is doing and wordy our littles are behind, but it will come and it comes fast!! Once he gets a couple steps out of him he’ll soon be running!
@galileesilk My daughter will be 15 months next week and can walk fine…if she’s holding my hand. She’s taken some steps independently and can stand independently for a few seconds, but doesn’t seem too interested in walking by herself yet. Her balance seems pretty good; right now it mostly seems to be about confidence. I’m trying not to worry, since she obviously can walk, but it’s hard. I’m hoping something will click in the next few weeks and she’ll take off. But I will say that I have several friends whose kids didn’t walk until 16-18 months, so I know that’s not uncommon.
@galileesilk We put off PT bcuz we were sure our son would be walking any day. By 18 months we finally started and it was sooo helpful. We regretted not starting sooner. Think long term, a little walking delay won’t really matter in a few years once he’s all caught up. But yes it is embarrassing. I had a large kid who looks older crawling all over the playground as well.