Is my girlfriend pregnant?


New member
My girlfriend's in the 34th day of late period and we're worried that she might be pregnant because hers is very regular. However, we practiced safe sex and we haven't had sex in 4 weeks, which happened right after she had her last period. She took two urine pregnancy tests (one of them being right in the morning) both showing negative, and one blood pregnancy test which showed a result of
@kimberly12 I'm assuming at least some of those negative tests were 3 weeks after sex, so no, there is no chance she is pregnant. There is really no reasonable extra reassurance to be had - blood tests are very reliable.

When somebody gets vaccinated, their body mounts an immune response, and that can disrupt the menstrual cycle. Like having a cold or a fever, it is a temporary effect and has no long-term effects on fertility.
@kimberly12 She is not pregnant. Assuming her tests were done at least two weeks after you last had sex, they would be accurate. The vaccine can absolutely affect her period, and that could be what's going on. Or she is just having an off cycle, which can happen from time to time. The AutoMod posted some great links to information, but essentially if she didn't ovulate when she expected to, her period won't show up when she expects it to (thus being "late") because when you ovulate is directly tied to when your period comes. This can happen even to people who are generally very regular, since hormones aren't released in perfect identical batches each and every cycle.

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