Just found out my girlfriend is pregnant. Help?

@hopeful4cure I had my first at your age and was entirely unprepared but it ended up working out just fine. Some advice:

You're in this just as much as your partner, start learning about the stages of development, learn the milestones, download the pregnancy plus app, and get excited for your new child.

Treat this like your new mission, this mission comes above work and everything else, definitely attend the first OB appointment and take detailed notes, ask questions, don't be afraid to get involved and show your partner your invested and, again, excited for this.

Pick up a book about pregnancy and spend some time each night reading.

Also consider picking up a book about relationships to learn how to be stable and attentive for your partner.

Start thinking about finances, childcare, etc. Don't stress about it but you'll want to start thinking and reading about it to consider the options of what you'll want to do. Some daycare centers are booked out many months in advance so at some point you may want to start touring if you're going to use daycares early on.

Mentally plan to financially invest in your child and be okay with that. Children can be expensive and it may be stressful to look at costs of things when your early in your career. The first 5 years are probably the most expensive then things ease up.

Start thinking about paternity leave, look at your employee handbook to see what your policy is. Try to get at least 1 month off to be with child and mother after birth. Have your partner do the same and try to get the maximum amount of time off. Max out your PTO if you have to and even take extended leave if possible.

Join a local buy nothing group on Facebook to start sourcing free baby items to help save on costs.

Quit all drinking, smoking, and drugs if you do any of that. Take care of yourself, get good sleep, work out, etc. You're about to be an example for a new human.

Related to above, I recommend finding a good male role model to inspire you to fulfill your role as a partner, man, and eventually a father. Someone like David Goggins or Jordan Peterson.

Having a purpose and responsibility in life is extremely rewarding and right now your purpose and responsibility is to get yourself in order, calm your nerves, so you can then support your partner and make her feel confident.

I could go on for days but most important in my book is to get excited about this, it will make your partner feel much better. Go look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you've got this.
@hopeful4cure Congrats. Don’t worry. You won’t have all the answers. No one does. Just hang in there, do you best and try to enjoy the ride. Having kids young probably feels daunting but you’ll be delighted in 20 years, honestly.
@hopeful4cure Lots of advice in here, if I can take one item off your worry list:
You mentioned PCoS. Your doctor can advise more formally but my understanding is this has zero impact on the baby’s well-being. PCOS in essence makes it harder to conceive. So in your list of worries you can scratch that off, 👍good luck mate