I'm ready to throw Gen Z into a fire

@bnyurb What’s funny too is that people are blaming OP by saying the pay is too low and by asking for that pay, you get a certain type of person. Which only proves her point even further - that the younger generation is acting entitled and may feel the pay is beneath them. Of course, it’s not just Gen Z but it’s a good chunk of them. My stance would remain the same for a 60 year old woman with no prior experience in early child development other than raising her kids. That person would also not be worth $25/hour.
@bnyurb Yeah how dare they enjoy their youth in a carefree way! Young people should have their spirits crushed as quickly as possible, so they don't go too far in asserting themselves.
@jnapalo Definitely not what I said, literally said it’s good that they don’t let employers take advantage of them and find jobs that suit them. But when it’s to the point they’re ghosting an interviewer that’s a negative trait.
@bnyurb Why? This is kind of how the job hunt goes when you’re young and not involved in any specific trade or career. I used to do this all the time. Hand out a bunch of resumes, pick your favourite of the ones that call back, ghost the rest.

For what it’s worth it’s definitely a two-way street. No employer ever called me to tell me that I didn’t land the job, and I didn’t expect them to.
@reneeville It’s good etiquette to let an employer know with a good amount of time in advance that you won’t be able to make the interview so you don’t burn bridges. Even if their job search isn’t serious it would be good to get into the habit for practice. This isn’t the same as not responding to employer messages, they’ve set an interview up and they’re ghosting. She’s not a faceless corporation, which makes it even more rude.
@labbish At first I was upset from the title like what did I do then saw the rest and I’d be frustrated too. Though I personally wouldn’t hire someone to watch my kid (not that I need to as a sahm) but if people did that to me I would not be willing to give them the opportunity again even if they were older or younger. I’m just paranoid and so is my husband so we only have like 4-5 people we’ll leave our son with
@labbish Have you contacted each person that applied for the job but you didn’t want to interview to tell them that? I hope so as otherwise you are just doing the exact thing you are complaining about….
@labbish This is a perfect example of our problems in the US. People always wanna pass the buck. What is this person supposed to do for taxes? You want them to work under the table? What about healthcare?
@katrina2017 I had an amazing nanny last year that I paid $15/hr. That's average in my area in the southeast US. High end is $20/hr. The only reason my nanny left is because she went to care for her newborn grandkid.
@labbish Yep. I had this problem in November. She worked in a daycare and was looking for evening hours babysitting. I needed the help so I could do mandatory overtime. I offered to pay whatever she wanted, she asked for $20/hr and I said sure no problem. Then she said her daycare suddenly had a covid quarantine hours before we were to meet on a weekend. Seemed a bit too convenient. Sure enough, daycare didn't have a quarantine or outbreak and she ghosted me. A no thank you or hey, I changed my mind would have been so appreciated.