I wish my husband hated his job so he would like us more

@sophie0813 Ahem. My husband loves his job, and is absolutely thrilled to come home. His job and his family scratch different itches and fulfill different needs. This all knowing internet stranger's guess is that something else is going on.
@sophie0813 Hi- Have you tried to talk to your husband regarding this? Having 3 kids without any help is not easy.

We live a thousand miles away from our family so when I just gave birth it was just me and my husband. He would go to the office and I was alone with the baby. I asked for his help if he could take turns with me after work.

So at 9:00 pm onwards he was in charge of the baby. On the weekends, he would do grocery shopping and laundry. Because of his help, I had time for myself to practice self- care. I hope things will soon get better, God bless.
@sophie0813 It was a question …..

He doesn’t like to be home or do anything with his kids…. I didn’t think it was out of the realm of possibly that maybe he didn’t want 3 kids… lol lol
@sophie0813 It is possible to have a job you love and love your family. That is exactly why my husband moved us to Europe. He gets to have both. It was important to him to get time with us. He made us his priority because he loves us.

The problem here is your husband’s attitude. Personally, I’d be making plans to go. You can parent better alone than dragging his dead weight along kicking and screaming.
@sophie0813 I work from home 4-6 hours a day and spend the other 4-6 hours with my kids, helping out with childcare, around the house, etc. I try to tell my wife how tough it must be to do this by yourself all day long with no help with a husband who gets home for 1 hour a night with the kids. I still get yelled at for not doing enough all the time! I’d be such a miserable sack going to work 10-12 hours a day 5-6 days a week I can’t even imagine.
@sophie0813 My husband doesn't hate his job, and he still wants to be home. I don't hate mine, and I want to be home. This is something else.

I'm a sahm most of the year.
@sophie0813 Would he be open to a parenting class with you? Hire a sitter and take a parenting class to help him gain confidence win his parenting skills. Parenting is so fun and rewarding if you have the confidence to back yourself!

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