I want a baby so bad….but I can’t


New member
I am 29F and for the last few months, I’ve really been wanting to have a baby with my long term boyfriend “Kane” 36M. We’ve been together for 3 years, living together for 2 now, and are extremely happy together. We’ve been talking about getting married after I graduate school in 2026. Kane has stepped up in taking care of our house chores and caring for our 3 dogs this last year while I’ve been focused on my studies, and we have a good support system in place. I love him deeply, and I know he loves me. He supported me through recovering from the loss of my first husband, living with cPTSD and chronic illness, going back to school, and we’ve built a pretty great life together. I’ve never been so happy or felt so sure of my future than when I am with him.

The problem is, it’s not time. I’m currently finishing my pre-reqs and about to start nursing school in the fall, so I will be very busy with my studies and also continuing to work full time as a home health aide for the next two years just like this past one. Kane is also employed full time as a baker and between the two of us, we currently live a simple but comfortable lifestyle. Our bills are always paid, we go on dates, we have money for small extras and a little in savings.

I want to have a baby. I want to get pregnant, and for us to create and bring a beautiful new life into this world together. I want to be parents together, and raise good human beings who will have wonderful lives. We both want 2 kids and have talked about it at length.

But it’s not time.

I’m in nursing school full time, and we are living in our starter house we bought together 2 years ago (1300sq ft, 2bedroom, huge yard). We are financially stable, I’d say lower middle class, but that will improve once I graduate. But I still want a child badly.

We have 3 beautiful pups together, and they help to fill the ache. Kane and I met in a dog park 3 years ago, so our two 7 year old boys were already non-negotiable. We adopted a puppy together as well a year and a half ago, and we’ve learned a lot about our teaching and discipline styles, patience levels, and started our conversations around kids when we brought our babygirl home. But it doesn’t fill this yearning I have to be a mom.

I don’t know if it’s just my age. I’m 29 turning 30 in a few months, and since this past November the desire for a baby of my own has just been so strong. I’m on Depo Vera as BC to prevent pregnancy, and we are careful. I’m doing my best to feel it, and then try to make the feelings pass.

How do you guys handle the feelings? I know it’s not time. My brain is telling me wait. Finish building our stability, get married, get the bigger house. But my heart says otherwise.
@tradodox I get it. I’m in a similar boat and of a similar age. Our hurdle is just financially it’s not feasible right now, but it’s getting closer.

I think my best thing has been picturing the perfect life for my future baby. Do I want to bring them into a life full of financial stress? Do I want my husband and I to feel any sort of resentment towards each other or the child because of finances or another stressful situation? Ultimately I want to make the best life and best situation possible for them. Waiting helps to provide that and set ourselves up.

So, while we wait, we’ve prioritized enjoying our time together, learning more about each other (there’s still stuff to learn even after 11 years!) and just creating the best base possible for our family. And we give our pets extra time and attention. I also have been working on my mental and physical health to improve myself too!
@dawelek Thank you for your answer! I can absolutely understand the financial aspect. Bf and I bring in around $65k a year together right now with us both working full time, and while we could theoretically afford to care for a 3rd person, it would stretch our current budget pretty tight.

You’re right about thinking about what kind of environment I’d currently be bringing a child into. Having a stressed mom working full time and going through a grueling academic program wouldn’t be in their best interest, even with as supportive as Bf is. And while he wouldn’t mind getting pregnant before marriage because he sees us long term either way, I care. And I wouldn’t want that stress either.

Currently, I do love being his girlfriend and building our lives together. Our 3 year anniversary is coming up on May 5th! We have 3 beautiful pups together, and are looking forward to spending more time together over the summer after this current semester ends. I’m in the middle of finals, and it’s been busy. Thank you for the ideas of good things to focus on, to continue enjoying where and who we are together right now, to continue growing together as a couple.

I appreciate your advice and insight. ❤️
@tradodox I would get pregnant tomorrow if I could, but like you it’s not time yet for a number of reasons. I also don’t know when it will be time and I’m 30 and feel like I’m running out of time. Realistically it’s a few years out and I know that. It’s a touchy subject with me thankfully my friends know to tell me their pregnancy news over text and not to my face (I can’t guarantee they won’t see my heart hit the floor and my first reaction may not be positive). I’m beyond happy for them but I also get jealous and ask myself when is it going to be my turn.

Sometimes after a friend or someone announces a pregnancy I just let myself have a good cry in private and respond to their text or post later. I try to let myself feel the feelings and they will eventually pass. I know I’ll have kids at some point it just sucks not knowing when.
@wandering_sheep I’ve been feeling similar to you for the last 6 months or so, in the I’m close to hitting 30 and worried about “running out of time”. I know that realistically it’s still 10-15 years, but I don’t want to be an older mom and I really would like to be one soon, although I know it will be several years still.

When the feelings are strong for you, what helps you to temper them?
@tradodox I find I do best with remembering the rational reasons why we can’t right now (can’t afford both daycare and a bigger place, thanks Canadian housing market) I need to get my health in check (I’m facing a possible chronic illness diagnosis) and I try to remind myself it will happen. I try to remember to be happy for my friends and my time will come. I don’t want to be 50 with a ten year old but that’s a personal preference though I know it’s still possible. I have done a lot of CBT for anxiety so I use those tools to help manage the big feelings
@tradodox Currently wrapping up first semester of nursing school! My husband and I were originally gonna wait till after I graduated, but we’re now “aiming” for a 2025 summer baby since my current job has great maternity leave and wfh. Personally id wait and asses your situation once you’re in a nursing program, then consider how you feel. Nursing school is pretty tuff so as long as your partner is super supportive, you’ll be fine. Best of luck!
@tradodox As a nurse I worked full time and went to night classes and it was rough. I couldn’t imagine doing it pregnant. I’ll wait till after school. I completely get it. Im going back to school in September for my FNP and I really want a baby right now, but I feel that waiting the few years will be beneficial to our future baby, my career/education, and health.
Use the time in nursing school to prep for a baby? Listen to podcasts, read books (if you have the time) take to your doctors, “get your body on track” to have the best environment to grow your baby.
We plan to start in January 2026 which feels like forever away, but the time will fly by!
You’re not alone
@yakdip Honestly yes, this one hits home. I was in college studying to be a nurse when I got extremely sick with a chronic illness and had to drop out of school. Instead of graduating college, I’ve spent the majority of my 20s having surgeries and working hard at getting well (stable with my condition). I’ve gradually gotten better over the last 2 years, to the point I’m working full time and back in college for nursing (yay!). But career wise and life-wise, I feel so far behind being where I was at 19 before I got sick again.

Romantically, I always thought I’d be married by 30. I have a wonderful Bf, but not married and not the right time for kids yet. I’ve always wanted to have 2 kids before I hit 38, so at least there I’m not so far behind.

I’m working hard to stay well and continue reaching my goals, but it’s tough when the friends I went to HS with are all mainly graduated from college and into their careers, have been married and most have started trying for, or have kids.

Things don’t look how I always pictured them. but then, I also have to take into consideration just how hard I've fought to get where i am today. I still have chronic illness, but managed well enough that I'm able to be in Nursing school and work full time! I'm not married, but my long-term Bf and I are celebrating 3 years together on May 5th and want to get married when I graduate. I'll get there; it'll just take time.
@tradodox I read that women only get baby fever once they feel like their life is stable. So really, baby fever is an indication that you feel stable in your relationship and life. It's a really good sign.