I think I made a core memory with my daughter last night


New member
Last night I woke up at around 2 AM to find my 3 yr old had left her room and was sitting on the couch in the front room looking at the stars. My first instinct was to get after her about being up at such a late hour and to shoo her back to her room, but after walking over and talking to her about how pretty the stars were I got the idea to take a few blankets and to go look at the stars on the trampoline in the back yard. We've never done that before since she's always in bed by 8 and it doesn't get dark in the warm months until 9 or 10. She absolutely loved it and has gone on and on telling everyone she's seen today about how we went star gazing. It was definitely worth the single night of sleep deprivation! I'm now chasing that feeling and thinking of all the special things we can do together
@berk60 Hell yea dad!

We don’t chase the moments, we stay present enough to see them when they arise. Good awareness and instincts! Judo the negative into positive. Cultivate the curiosity.

I needed to see this, thanks!
@christianperson Love this, I'm going to make a real effort to incorporate this into my daily attitude. I hate to think of what moments I may have missed and hope that I will just catch all/most future ones.
@berk60 This is so wholesome, got a bit tear eyed dare I say... I tend to be a bit too strict with my daughter at times, hence her preference for her daddy who's more layed back, but this is food for thought for me. You proved there is definitely another way of handling things.
What a beautiful moment between you two and thank you so very much for sharing and reminding us not to forget to do the same...
@christianperson Wow. That was beautifully written. I used to feel we have to force these moments to happen but in reality there's many moments like that through the day that if we stay present enough, we will find it
@kopchicksaved2014 Hey, my ADHD 8 year old with dysgraphia figured out how to search a desired video, complete with sounding out the search term (though we had to review space bars).

Use what you got.

(Also, the other day he asked how to spell Star Wars. I made him sound it out. Though I should have told him "S-T-A-R space T-R-E-K."

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