Traumatic Birth Expirience Made me Decide to Be OAD

@kwildson My induction was also terrible and completely unmedicated, my brain has done that weird thing that i can remember how bad it was but also I think ‘meh I could manage it again’ now at 2 years out. I imagine I’d regret that immediately if I did! My whole pregnancy was awful and I can’t go through that again, the pregnancy torture sort of puts the birth torture into context because birth was 2 days of suffering compared to 8 months of hell.

My husband has said there’s no way he is putting any of us through that again and if I want another baby i will have to find another person to do that with haha. I’m happy with one and that i made it out relatively intact!
@kwildson Yeah I didn’t enjoy the pregnancy at all (months-long unending nausea) but birth giving took the cake. I was also induced, also told it was “too soon” then “too late” for epidural, and told to hold it in when contractions came (their monitoring machine wasn’t working and they didn’t believe me) all the way til they realized the baby was way down the birth canal. I tore very badly. But baby was healthy so there’s that.
@kwildson I’m sorry that you went through that. My birth was traumatic too. I pushed for 6 hours, ended in vacuum delivery, 2nd degree tear, I couldn’t walk for three weeks after. I’m still in daily back pain two years later. I tore something in my back from pushing for so long and I have to have surgery to fix it now. If I could say, “okay I can handle the stress and the money aspect of having a second kid”, the labor part stops me in my tracks and makes me realize I never want to experience that again.
@kwildson I got induced at 41 weeks & 2 days. I was in the hospital for 3 days trying to have my child but only got to 8.5 cm and then went for emergency c section because my body couldn’t take the drugs anymore and the pain and for the c section I was awake but not present my mind was who knows where and I was hallucinating & needed oxygen then finally had my baby. Yea OAD!!!
@kwildson I didn't have a traumatic birth per say, but 3 days after I was released from the hospital, I had to return. I was having heart failure from severe postpartum pre-eclampsia. My OBGYN wasn't monitoring me after I was released. I called her office to tell her the symptoms I was having just to have a nurse brush me off and say "this is normal after a c-section so just wait it off." Two days after that conversation I was admitted right away because my pulse was 38, I had fluid in my lungs and my blood pressure was sky high. If I kept waiting it off like that stupid nurse told me to do, I would have died. I later found out they fired her. She should have taken my concerns to a doctor instead of dismissing them. To top if off, my blood pressure didn't stabilize for a full year after that bout of postpartum pre-eclampsia. I'm now having to see a cardiologist when I never had to before pregnancy. I decided never to get pregnant again. I value my life too much.
@kwildson Yes.

Got pregnant Nov ‘19, then watched as covid took over and could not believe I was bringing a child into this.

My mother in law was diagnosed with aggressive cancer May ‘20 and then she passed Jan ‘22. She would have been a huge help.

At 38 weeks at a routine appt, I was told I had pre e. I was induced and magnesium to avoid seizures is hell. I labored for over 24 hours while vomiting and my body on fire from the magnesium.

The anesthesiologist messed up my epidural. He was crass and left me to vomit as he had to leave and come back later to try again.

I stalled at 7cm. I had to ask for a c section as my son’s heart beat would drop at every contraction.

After my c section, my blood pressure would not lower. I was so out of it from the magnesium which you have to be on 24 hours post delivery. I couldn’t even concentrate to try and breast feed.

After a week in the hospital, I was sent home with two high dose prescriptions of blood pressure meds. It would take weeks for it to lower.

My son was a fussy baby. Never could be set down for long.

I feel so cheated by my pregnancy and deliver, but could never make myself go through it again.