I never imagined it’d be possible. My 7.5 month actually nurses now!


New member
Not counting pumping at work, it’s been one whole week since I’ve had to pump during her waking hours! I can’t believe my bottle-fed almost 8 month old is latching, mostly emptying, and preferring/asking to nurse! Since starting solids, her intake is slowly dropping closer to my supply. Pinch me!

When breastfeeding didn’t work out for us when my daughter was first born, I was devastated. She didn’t latch or transfer well and always would fall asleep immediately on the boob. I tried so hard, but eventually, I turned to the pump and resigned myself to the EP life. I have never had a full supply and have spent over 500 hours trying to preserve what I do have. We started comfort nursing/snooze feeding around 5 months to deal with ungodly early wake-ups, but she never had patience nor efficacy to nurse during the day. When she turned 6 months, I dropped to 4 and then 3 pumps with the intention of weaning. A few weeks ago, I thought why the heck not try to nurse- even if she doesn’t remove all the milk, I’m trying to wean anyway so no more worrying about my supply. She totally surprised me and I am over the moon!
@android17ak47 Such an encouraging story! A testament to the many non-food benefits of breastfeeding! She’s getting from you emotional attachment, and a safe space during a developmentally exciting time! Good on you two!

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