I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

@jolene576 I get it. When my 3rd baby was baking, she was huge. Measuring 2 or 3 weeks ahead. And I was constantly in so much pain all the time. At my 34 week checkup I was told that if I went into labor after 35 weeks, they wouldn't stop it. Well at 35 weeks and 1 day, I went into labor because of a stomach bug. Super painful, super sick, 4cm, and they stopped the labor. Which I get. Just to make sure baby's lungs were good and I had to have steroids.

Husband kept saying that it was best for baby which I understand but I cried that I'd be put on "reduced activity" and in pain and have to take dizzying blood thinners after being told they would do the opposite. Oh and she was born at 39 weeks and weighed 9lbs and 5oz.
@jolene576 The day I was supposed to be induced at 9pm, the hospital called me and said I couldn’t come in because there was too many pregos. I was fine alllll day until I got the call at 6pm. I cried all night until I fell asleep at 12. They called me at 1:02 am.

It’s so anxiety inducing. Like shit get this kid out of me. Fuck and no one “understands.” They say they do, but they really have no idea what you have been through.

Hugs mama. Don’t commit arson just yet. There is a million reasons to set it all ablaze but don’t let the baby be born in jail. 😂
@jolene576 Valid! I was 42 weeks with my first - second time around I told my midwife I refused to acknowledge a due date before 42 weeks, ended up with a 39 weeker. Third time around I'm 38 weeks and have all family and friends thinking I'm only 35 weeks so they won't remind me I'm due or nag me incessantly. Best of luck!!!
@jolene576 I needed this post right now. Currently 41+2, ZERO CM dilated, and absolutely losing my shit...I feel this rant deep, deep in my soul. Please add “HAVE YOU TRIED....(sex, spicy foods, walking etc etc etc) to the trigger phrases list. Basically running laps while eating pineapple and stimulating my nipples at this point (#multitaskingqueen)

GOOD LUCK with you delivery, hope all goes smoothly!!!