I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

@garthman33 Or 'wow, you're nearly there' - it doesn't make the last weeks/days go faster, and is just irritating. But I'm really irritated by everything at the moment, so someone could send me flowers and chocolates and I'd probably complain about it!

And there's nothing enjoyable about the last few weeks of pregnancy- maybe it's been a while since your MIL was in that situation, and she can't remember.
@jolene576 Ugh I'm so sorry!! It not only sucks to not have your baby yet at 41 weeks but I can't imagine the frustration of having your induction delayed on top of that 😫😫😫 I hope your hospital makes some room and is able to get you in ASAP! ❤️
@tollsuur I was chosen to be the one kicked out my hospital room a few hours early Monday, after having a relatively easy and spontaneous vaginal delivery, because they needed my room for all the scheduled inductions. I guess it’s a busy time of year for babies to be born!
@jolene576 I told my doctor that if I went one more day over my due date with my son (he was due on the 18th, born on the 20th, I said this on the 19th) that I would be performing a Pinterest C-section in my kitchen and now that I told him that he was in compliance.


Bounce on your ball for like 3 hours straight. Maybe they’ll think it’s an earth quake and evacuate.
@katrina2017 Yes! Like everyone keeps telling me gO oN wAlKs and I’m like I can barely make it from my bed to the bathroom without running out of breath, let alone getting out of the house.
@jolene576 I remember walking around the block once at like 39 weeks and coming home in tears.

Just to rub it in some old lady told me "wow you look ready!" during this walk.
@jolene576 The "babies come when they're ready" thing REALLY grinds my gears. Um sometimes they don't . there used to be way more still births and women who died in childbirth before people figured out how to medically induce?
@jolene576 I’m 40+4 and I’m only dilated o n e centimeter. My induction is schedule for Wednesday, but my doctor said that shouldn’t delay mine since I’ll be so far over. Fingers crossed.
@jolene576 Good luck. I was 9 days late and my neighbor, everytime I saw him, which was a lot because he's retired and I had started my leave, would tell the same joke: doesn't that baby have a calendar??!! And he'd crack up everytime.🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
@danajohnson Just once when I hear the same joke from the same person for the 100,000th time I just wanna be like "HA. HA. HA. YOU ARE SO FUNNY, DAVE. SO. FUNNY. A CALENDAR! HA!!!" with a demented hysterical death glare. Just to keep them on their toes.