I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

@naivea For your sake I hope not 🤣🤣🤣 but pregnancy is rough! I’m giving you good “go baby go” vibes lol! I might even go to the hospital after work today and be like “listen... I’m begging. Who do I have to talk to here?” 🤣🤣🤣
@georgengondo First of all, you got this. You are stronger than you know.
For sleep, have you done any sleep aids, like benedrill, tylenol? If those dont work, can the hospital give you morphine so you can sleep? I suggest this because if you are like me, you will need sleep to fuel up for pushing.

I was also 41 weeks pregnant and was having contractions at home every 5 minutes for days, so I was going to the hospital daily to ask if I was dilated enough for admittance, and they kept saying no.

I'm not usually a person who likes taking drugs but when they gave me a small dose of morphine, I had a glorious 4 hours of sleep - the only hours of sleep I got in almost 60 hours. And I needed it because my pushing lasted 4 hours. I also didn't want an epidural but after 3 days of contractions, I just wanted to get my baby born. So they gave Pitocin, and immediately pain spiked so I begged for my epidural.

Try to sleep as much as you can, and snack on something tasty and easy to digest whenever you can manage. Congratulations, you are gonna be a mama soon!!
@lilapurple Did you say 4 hours of pushing? My baby is 12 days old now. It took me 4 minutes to push her out and I even stopped in the middle and yelled at everyone to stop! I couldn’t imagine going longer than that!

I was 41 weeks pregnant and totally empathize with the OP.
@georgengondo I was having contractions the other day, went for my weekly check up, no dilation and as you said hard as a rock. I'm 38w today, so a little behind you but I just know I'm going to wind up with a christmas baby lol. She is way too comfy in there! Good luck with your delivery mama! ❤️❤️❤️
@naivea I’ve been having BH since 35 weeks consistently- they started at 29 weeks though. But now it’s more contractions, period like cramping, and a TON of pressure. When the nurse said nothing was happening I was like oh come on 😭

You too! I hope it’s safe and everything goes as smooth and possible!
@jolene576 Oh man if i had a dollar for everytime my MIL had told me to "enjoy the quiet" or "soak up these last few days pf pregnancy", I'd be a hunderaire lol
Sending all the baby-come-out vibes your way!
@jolene576 Omg yes the inconsiderate snoring! My daughter is 9 months old now and still walking up at night. I tell you listening to him snore while you're up feeding the baby can be frustrating. He's been told many times that I "hate him and his stupid useless nipples" while he's snoring away.
@melissarowe1992 Same here. Mine snores & constantly sniffles his nose super damn loud when he’s awake. Plus he has restless legs & I cannot sleep well next to him. Having a guest bedroom & a second bed was the best thing that ever happened to our marriage.
@melissarowe1992 My husband moved out of our room a few months ago, as our son sleep walks into our bed every night, and there's just no room for 3 bodies and an enormous body pillow, plus my massive belly. The snoring and wriggling were just too much as well, and pregnancy had made me a really light (and grumpy) sleeper (when I can even get to sleep).

I've told him to move back in to share in the precious new born experience with me though, at least until he's back at work although he'll no doubt sleep through most of it.

Being awake and tired when someone else is snoring loudly is torturous. I think our spare room has saved our marriage too.